Someone mentioned last week that HHM is the highlight to their Monday. I think it is mine too. HHM is the one post I DO get up nearly every week, even if I don't have time to post anything else. Enjoy and thanks for stopping by. Don't forget to leave me a comment. I will be linking up with Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom. (link will be at the bottom of this post) I also typed this up for Sunday, since I have a big rearrange project going on at the shop. Still have lots to do and don't really want to waste any time. Usually when I do this we are busier. LOL! Also I added a new line....."I'm thankful for....." I spend too much of my time griping and complaining about stuff, I need to be more thankful for the little things.
The weather outside today is:::: Today was HOT, then it rained, it got HUMID, and finally by evening it started cooling off. Looks like this week will be cooler than last week.
Looking outside:::: Right now it's dark, and the curtains are closed.
Thinking and pondering:::: Feeling accomplished because I have scheduled posts ready to go for Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday this week.
I'm thankful for:::: The oldest boy moving back to town. :-)
Breakfast time, what is on the plate this morning:::: No breakfast on Sunday, but we got a quick lunch at Taco Mayo because we were helping the Oldest move back to town.
Looking around the house:::: Not too shabby! It has it's spots....the dirty dishes from supper, and the floor needs vacuumed.
On today's to do list at home:::: Today I folded the towels, put the dry dishes from the other day away, washed a few that were in the sink, and swapped out one of the litter boxes.
Currently reading:::: I finished reading Dear America: A Journey to the New World
Watching on the Computer today/this past week:::: Switched at Birth this week! You can watch it at 7 central on ABC Family. If you don't get ABC Family, you can watch last week's episode HERE.
We also watched Young Guns
I watched Expecting Amish which was really good!
I also watched S1 E1 of WKRP in Cincinnati . For some reason the theme song has been going through my head for several days. LOL!
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On the menu this past week::::
Monday I honestly can't remember what we ate on Monday/ *sigh*
Tuesday We had Steve's "famous" salad
Wednesday We ate at a BBQ place in town
Thursday we ate leftovers from last night, and I made homemade chocolate chip cookies
Friday hubby and I went out. we did a lot of brainstorming while we were out on our date.
Saturday Took advantage of hopefully the LAST all you can eat shrimp night for a while.
Sunday Hamburgers with the works, and chips & dip
All week, once again we have been in limbo and eating at home more than usual. Not a normal thing.......Hopefully we only have 1 more week, if that long to be doing this. We need to get back open and make some money!
If I have a few minutes to myself this week, I will:::: Visit some of my favorite blogs and maybe a few new ones
New recipe I tried, or want to try this week:::: Not a new recipe, but I DID make homemade chocolate chip cookies this past week. They lasted us 2 days and 1 evening. We sure went through that 3 dozen cookies pretty quick. LOL!
Favorite photo from the camera::::
Nothing is better than a batch of homemade chocolate chip cookies!
Visiting with blog friends (blog you want to share, blog post that caught your eye):::: Some blogs I still can't seem to leave comments. *sigh* Not sure what setting(s) are not allowing me to do so on blogger or maybe it's Chrome. *sigh* I try to visit all of you in the sidebar at least once a week.
Praying for:::: To be back open super soon. We hope to be open by Friday, if not sooner. We are looking into possibly getting a different building and some land next to it. The price is right and we are somewhat familiar with the building (hubby has done some lock work there a few times), and it's just the right size with room to expand. SO this means if this works out, we won't technically be moving everything, just moving one of the businesses. It will keep us in town.
Linked up with Diary of a Stay at Home Mom for Happy Homemaker Monday
I sure hope you're able to open your place back up soon, must be so frustrating to not be able to.
ReplyDeleteI didn't even know your oldest had moved out of town, I bet you're happy that he is back :)
Have a wonderful week Anna :)
My favorite was the picture of the cookies!!!!
ReplyDeleteI've never heard of those books, are they fiction? I'm an avid reader so I love seeing what others are reading and I add them to my "must read" list :)
Melanie, the Dear America books are written for upper elementary I believe. I love reading them though. Here's an amazon link to them: