"Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing." 1 Thessalonians 5:11
Saturday, June 24, 2017
Have You Missed Me?
I have posted a couple video's to YouTube this week......Go check them out!
Crochet Challenge Check - In and Update
Crochet -- A Silent Short
My Smelly Bug is Alive -- '74 VW Super Beetle
Replacing the drivers side mirror '74 super beetle
I have another video in pieces that I need to edit together and post. Hopefully I can get to that next week.
Thanks for stopping by!
Monday, June 19, 2017
HHM ~~ 6/19/17
Saturday, June 17, 2017
Up In The Air
I'm really up in the air about things.....I'm not sure what to do.
2 of the 3 companies I applied as an affiliate with to sell yarn/craft supplies have denied me. One their site was messed up and they never responded to my plea for help and the other it ha something to do with the tax laws in Kansas or something like that. Still waiting on #3 but I have a feeling it will be a tax law thing too. Those 3 reasons are why I moved my blog off blogger and to my own server. I don't have time to go visit other blogs and read/comment like I should to build a "community" here. Blog stats here are probably more real than they are on blogger, and sometimes the only day I have any views is Monday when I link to HHM. Is blogging just past it's prime? Are more people vlogging and watching/listening instead of reading? I have several youtube videos and even without trying very hard I have generated some income (not enough to be paid yet) from monetizing most of my videos.
BUT.........Videos take time if I want to edit multiple clips together. Video's need some mount of quietness without interruption if I just want to record and upload. Then there is the issue of what do I record with? only 2 of my mobile devices work where the volume is loud enough, and one is my cell phone, the other is an iPad. The problem there is where/how do I hold them while I am recording something like a how to or showing a wip or finished project? These are things I have thought about. Another is content. I can tell you now about something that happened way back, possibly share pictures. Doing a video is a bit different.
What do you all think? I can't decide. That's why I always bounce back and forth between doing things, trying to get one or the other working. If you want to visit my YouTube channel that'd be awesome. HERE's THE LINK
I'm thinking maybe trying videos again. So if I disappear here for a while....go check there.
Friday, June 16, 2017
Crochet Star Garland
Here's a quick, cute weekend project for you. Enjoy!
I absolutely love this thing! I'm thinking about making another one. It took me about 4 hours with interruptions from customers, just having to get up and walk around, checking facebook, chatting, etc. For sure an afternoon or evening project. I used cotton yarn, but you could use any yarn, I used this pattern for the stars. I made 4 of each color.
I chained 20 and slst in the 10th chain to make a loop at the end to hang it up with. Chained 20 and SC in one of the top points of the star. Chain 20 and SC in the top point of the star until I reached the last star. I chained 30 and counted back 10 to join with a slst for the last loop to hang it up with.
I really like it! It is perfect for any "flag" holiday.
Thursday, June 15, 2017
Crockpot Gravy
Wednesday, June 14, 2017
Thoughts on Homemade Laundry Soap - Part 3
Tuesday, June 13, 2017
Recap on Winter Upstairs
I'm not sure I have found everything, but here is a recap on preparing for and staying warm upstairs for 2016/2017 winter. I will link each one to the post I talked about it. Some will link to the same post some are just things we did and have no post that I have found......
- We put our coats across the foot of the bed
- We used a warm fuzzy blanket as a top sheet
- We put some trim and weather stripping on the inside to where the door only opens out
- We used space heaters, a kerosene heater and candles to help warm the room(s)
- We bought a few moving blankets from Harbour Freight to put over our bedroom doors that lead to the main hallway.
- Space Heater, kerosene heater and candles again
- We put plastic over the windows
- We kept stocked up on Kerosene for our heater. I think we only ran out once
- We put lots of extra blankets on our bed
- We added a blanket between the mattress and the bottom sheet
- We heated homemade corn sacks in the microwave and took them to bed with us.
Monday, June 12, 2017
HHM ~~ 6/12/17
As I look outside my window:::
The sun is shining hot and bright! supposed to be like that all week. I like sunshine :-)
Right now I am:::
Taken 12/24/2013[/caption]
Last night we took my 74 VW Beetle to the "doctor" (mechanic). It took is 3 1/2 tries to get her started. The 1/2 time wasn't my fault. She was going, I stopped to wait on hubby to put some tools and things away and she died. Clutch was in and break was on. I didn't think it was too bad for not being driven in nearly 2 years. She runs pretty good, just won't start without pushing. Thankfully I haven't lost my touch in driving a [vintage] standard. Got her clear across town without any mishaps. Went down this morning and delivered her keys. She is next in line after the motor install they had going. I'm getting excited!
Currently Reading:::
Nothing right now. I haven't been in the reading mood.
On my to do list today:::
1. Pay bills
2. Crochet.
3. have to go out of town and do some sopping for things we can't get locally.
Today's Lunch:::
deluxe ham sandwich (mayo, lettuce, onion, cheese ....wanted tomato but we were out of slices and I didn't want to slice one) and sweet tea
Kitchen Tip:::
Well crumb! My picture isn't here. Oh well I can tell you. We make our own chili that we serve at The Castle. I make a double batch and we freeze part of it. One of my batches fills 2 - 1 gallon sized zippey bags. We go though a batch in about a month. Might be sooner now that we are offering frito chili pies and deluxe frito chili pies.
Well.....I want to get the entrelac blanket finished. My uncle has been released from the hospital and is traveling this way to stay with his sister (my aunt) to continue to recover. I am going to give it to him. I have reached the half way point, which is 1 more row than pictured. It will be lapghan size. I'm hoping by next week. That should give him plenty of time to get rested up and adjusted to being at Auntie's house.
At work, as usual, typing this up. Been rather slow today. I should be working on my entrelac blanket but it's a little too warm.
Something funny from this past week:::
[caption id="attachment_759" align="alignleft" width="83"] Preparing for Warm weather:::
Today we are going out of town to get some boards. We have 2 lumberyards in our town and neither have the size we want/need. Some of those boards are going to be so we can partially fix the window in the boy's room so we can put a screen on it like we did for our window. Fuzzy spends most of her time in his window now since it's on the alley side and is cooler overall than the front windows.
What I am crocheting:::
Something I Recently Made::: From the camera:::
The garland decorating one of the castle walls. this one is cooler than the one that I put on the piano!
What I am wearing today:::
Same as last week.......Jean shorts, a tye dye t-shirt, and tennis shoes.
Praise/Prayer List:::
PRAISE the sun is shining today!
PRAISE It's still been cool enough we haven't had to run the AC *too much at the castle and not at all at the lockshop yet.
PRAISE my uncle is doing better, and has been released from the hospital.
Prayer business
Prayer My Uncle. his continuing recovery
Prayer Our friend Mike's continued recovery from the most recent stroke. Praise that he is home and doing pretty good.
Prayer One of the young mom's at our church, Rachel. She is having some major health issues right now. She and her husband have 3 little girls 5 and under.
I'm joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom for HHM. Go visit her and the rest of those who have joined in.
Thank you for stopping by and visiting.
P.S. don't forget to change your bookmarks to my new blog address ;-)
Friday, June 09, 2017
Entrelac Crochet Blanket WIP
Thursday, June 08, 2017
New Concept Crochet Bracelet
Wednesday, June 07, 2017
Nomad Thoughts Class A
Yes for real I’m a wannabe! It all started about 5 or so years ago when I stumbled on the idea of living full time in a vehicle of some sort. I have had a couple people tell me that I couldn't do it, or I wouldn't last very long. Those are "fighting words" and make me want to do it even more just to prove them wrong. Read my thoughts and ideas on the Nomadic Lifestyle tag.
Tuesday, June 06, 2017
Crockpot Philly's
Monday, June 05, 2017
HHM 6/5/17
Good Happy Monday Morning!!!!! If you think things look a little different, and you haven't been to the blogger blog since my last HHM post 2 weeks ago, well.....things are a bit different! I am trying to get set up with a yarn company as an affiliate and I thought it would look better and more professional for things to be on a personal site than on a generic site. I imported all posts and comments here, as well as leaving all old ones back on blogger. Now that you know that....on to Happy Homemaker Monday.
As I look outside my window:::
We use a lot of #10 cans, and don't always need the whole can at a time. I divide it up into quart zippy bags and freeze the extra until we do need it. Sure saves wasting product.
It's been a bit humid. They keep saying rain but it misses us every time. Today is supposed to get pretty warm, up near 90. the rest of the week looks about the same with evening temps in the 50's and 60's.
Right now I am:::
At work, as usual, typing this up in between customers. Have had a few in and out in addition to several friends chatting on messenger with me.
Something funny from this past week:::
We watched a movie. We bought and watched for the first time "American Graffiti". It was a good show and made me laugh several times.
Currently Reading:::
well, nothing now because I finished it up Saturday night. I read Reservations for Two by Anne Patrick. Couldn't put it down. Probably one I will read again, it's tat good!
On my to do list today:::
1. Work on my Smelly Good Stuffs Page.
2. Crochet.
3. Son asked me to wash his laundry tonight
Today's Lunch:::
Burger King I had an original chicken sandwich add tomato and onion and hubby and I shared an order of fries and onion rings
Kitchen Tip:::
Preparing for Warm weather:::
Today is going to be much warmer than it has been. I left our window open but put all 3 curtains down. I have a little curtain across the bottom window, a heavy cotton curtain then a room darkening curtain. I have to leave a corner accessible for Fuzzy because she likes to nap in the sunshine and watch people and cars. I also left our fan going for her and to help circulate the air.
What I am crocheting:::
What I am crocheting:::
Well.....I have the 2 ten stitch blankets and yesterday I started an entrelac blanket. All 3 projects are tunisian crochet. I also had a dream how to finish a project that I just am not "in to" doing. I like the finishing idea and can't wait to start working on it. It of course is another tunisian project.
Something I Recently Made::: From the camera:::
The garland decorating the piano. I'm still in awe that I made that! It's one of the better things I have done I think. I made it Saturday afternoon.
What I am wearing today:::
Jean shorts, a tye dye t-shirt, and tennis shoes.
Praise/Prayer List:::
PRAISE the sun is shining today!
PRAISE It's still been cool enough we haven't had to run the AC *too much at the castle and not at all at the lockshop yet.
PRAISE my uncle is doing a little better, but still needs prayer so I'm leaving him on that part too.
Prayer business
Prayer My Uncle. He has not been feeling well
Prayer Our friend Mike He had another stroke over the weekend
I'm joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom for HHM. Go visit her and the rest of those who have joined in.
Thank you for stopping by and visiting.
P.S. don't forget to change your bookmarks to my new blog address ;-)
Friday, June 02, 2017
Memorial Day Finds
Monday we took the day off. We actually slept in for a change. Didn't really want to sleep the day away so we finally got up around 11 am.
We took off towards the west because we usually go east or south and we know there isn't anything north. Not much west either but we were hopeful.
We pulled into a little town called Fredonia Ks. Drove around downtown playing Pokemon Go. Not much open on the holiday. We found this cool grandfather clock at the courthouse.
As we headed out we stopped at Try-Mee for some lunch. I checked Google reviews, which were all good and positive. Sounded like a good place to get a bite. Let me tell you that it was AMAZING! The burgers weren't huge, the fries weren't mounded, and they served Pepsi. Hubby and I were full but not overly full. The shocking part is it cost us a little under $12 to eat. 😊
After eating we drove around and "back home". Stopped for a Pepsi refill at the Castle and headed east to familiar areas. We stopped at one of out favorite flea markets, Burton Trading Co on the Mo/Ks state line. Didn't buy anything but seen a lot of cool things as usual.
See why I like to stop there? This booth always had good price yarn.
After leaving hubby let me drive. We headed to the Wildcat Glades and Conservation area south of Joplin. Neither of us had ever been there, which is surprising since hubby grew up in that area and we lived in that area for a few years after getting married.
I was specifically looking for the waterfall. We walking both ways on the trail where we parked and didn't find it. Guess I needed to do a bit more research. It was a neat area and we definitely want to go back. (I know where the falls are now thanks to Google, and we were way off. LOL!)
After we were done there we stopped at vintage stock and picked up a few movies then splurged and ate at Logan's Steak House before heading home.
Much enjoyed the day. Looking forward to the next day we take off.
Try-Mee in Fredonia and the clock tower plus walking at the glades
Thursday, June 01, 2017
Oh Goodness!
I have a bunch of "idea draft posts" but none are finished. They just have a title and a little reminder snippet for me what I want to post about. Those can get me in trouble if I let them sit too long because I forget what I wanted to say. I will try and work on some of them this weekend. Monday being a holiday and us taking the day off (which I will have a post about that) just kind of made my week go by a little quicker.
Here's a few picture snippets from last week and earlier this week......
I love standing on the corner, soaking up the sunshine, and advertising for the Castle! I love sunshine!
Would you eat this? IT was a strange random idea we had and honestly it's not bad at all! It defiantly would be a gluten free option we could offer if we decide to put it on the menu.
With the extra day of not working, I had a little extra time so I swept up the dust bunnies (some were quite large :-O ) and rearranged for summer. Note Fuzzy who is loving the screen and having the window open. The bed is to the right, you can just see the edge of it. It's practically up against the wall, which allows us to open the window and hopefully not expose ourselves to anyone who may occupy the offices across the street. I do have a curtain that covers across the bottom window, but it also blocks a little of the breeze. We keep it down during the day and open it at night when we are pretty sure no one is working. I do like the extra room the new arrangements gives. Guess it makes sense to put the bed long wise in the room instead of across it, since it's longer than it is wide. We will see how this works. We may have to make a change before to long.
During the cleaning process I informed Mr. Bear that he was going to have to move. He seems quite happy hanging out in our theater room. It's blue, just like him. Last night he watch American Graffiti with is. It's the first time any of us has seen it. It's pretty good, honestly. Has a little language if it, and quite typical of teens in the 60's. If you like Grease you'd probably like this one too.
Al righty you-all I have a few more errands to run. Hope tonight is super busy at the Castle!
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