Well another laundry soap post.....I like the
dish soap one but hubby seems to be allergic to something in the mixture. However when I was using just plain Zote and nothing else he seemed to be fine. SO....Thought #3 back to just plain Zote Laundry bar. This time instead of shaving it I am grating it.

The grater I have makes it into a powder. I have done this a couple times and he seems to be itching less. I think I am on to something. One thing I do need to figure out though is smell. Not an after smell that smells good for the clothes, but something that helps remove the sometimes lingering smell in the clothes. I may add some baking soda to my powder next time. I'll let you know how it turns out. I know Washing Soda, but it and borax are in the powder and liquid I have been using the past couple months. One of them may be causing the problem. Baking soda is known for helping with odors.

I'm not sure how much this measurers out to be.....couple tablespoons probably. This is the measurer from the oxy cleaner I bought. This amount seems to work well.

Here's my grated bar. I grated just about enough for my last washing. Looks like I will get several more washes out of this bar.
I'll keep you updated.......