It's been a bit humid. They keep saying rain but it misses us every time. Today is supposed to get pretty warm, up near 90. the rest of the week looks about the same with evening temps in the 50's and 60's.
Right now I am:::
At work, as usual, typing this up in between customers. Have had a few in and out in addition to several friends chatting on messenger with me.
Something funny from this past week:::
We watched a movie. We bought and watched for the first time "American Graffiti". It was a good show and made me laugh several times.
Currently Reading:::
well, nothing now because I finished it up Saturday night. I read Reservations for Two by Anne Patrick. Couldn't put it down. Probably one I will read again, it's tat good!
On my to do list today:::
1. Work on my Smelly Good Stuffs Page.
2. Crochet.
3. Son asked me to wash his laundry tonight
Today's Lunch:::
Burger King I had an original chicken sandwich add tomato and onion and hubby and I shared an order of fries and onion rings
Kitchen Tip:::
Preparing for Warm weather:::
Today is going to be much warmer than it has been. I left our window open but put all 3 curtains down. I have a little curtain across the bottom window, a heavy cotton curtain then a room darkening curtain. I have to leave a corner accessible for Fuzzy because she likes to nap in the sunshine and watch people and cars. I also left our fan going for her and to help circulate the air.
What I am crocheting:::
What I am crocheting:::
Well.....I have the 2 ten stitch blankets and yesterday I started an entrelac blanket. All 3 projects are tunisian crochet. I also had a dream how to finish a project that I just am not "in to" doing. I like the finishing idea and can't wait to start working on it. It of course is another tunisian project.
Something I Recently Made::: From the camera:::
The garland decorating the piano. I'm still in awe that I made that! It's one of the better things I have done I think. I made it Saturday afternoon.
What I am wearing today:::
Jean shorts, a tye dye t-shirt, and tennis shoes.
Praise/Prayer List:::
PRAISE the sun is shining today!
PRAISE It's still been cool enough we haven't had to run the AC *too much at the castle and not at all at the lockshop yet.
PRAISE my uncle is doing a little better, but still needs prayer so I'm leaving him on that part too.
Prayer business
Prayer My Uncle. He has not been feeling well
Prayer Our friend Mike He had another stroke over the weekend
I'm joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom for HHM. Go visit her and the rest of those who have joined in.
Thank you for stopping by and visiting.
P.S. don't forget to change your bookmarks to my new blog address ;-)