Today's Breakfast Menu:::
Cup of coffee with hazelnut creamer
The weather this week:::
much better than last week. It was 45 when I got up this morning and the sun is shining. Haven't seen the sun for several days. Today it's supposed to get up around 55. That works for me! We have a slight chance for rain. The rest of the week looks about the same. Saturday and Sunday we are supposed to hit 60 and have a bigger chance for rain.
The metal roof popping and creaking as the sun heats it up and Metal Christmas music. (haven't heard any artists I recognize yet LOL!)
Currently Reading:::
Crochet patterns. I decided this year instead of reading all the time I want to create and sell. My plan is to crochet things to sell in our shop and online. I also probably will read books, just not like I have this past year. In those moments where I can't crochet I've been reading Amish Baby: Hannah and Jakob's Book (Amish Couples 1)
Currently Watching:::
I've been watching Airwolf online. I used to watch it religiously when I was a teenager. It's fun to go back and rewatch it again. I've been trying to watch Season 1 Episode 1 for almost 2 weeks now and have about 20 minutes left to watch. Looking forward to Season 1 Episode 2. I was SO into Airwolf that when I was a teenager I had the model of the helicopter. Wonder what ever happened to it. I bet it met the trash can. LOL! If you watch videos from this site I highly recommend using google chrome with the AdBlock extension. It eliminates 99.9% of the pop-ups.
Current scent:::
I am in the process of soaking some incense. there is a lot of mixed scents going on right now. One that sticks out though is Apple Cinnamon.
Working on Christmas:::
I have started on the last "adult" present. I'm making dice bags for hubby and the boys. Here are the two I have finished. I also want to make at least one catnip mouse for Fuzzy. Maybe more if time allows.
Looking around the house:::
Not too bad. Just needs some touch ups here and there. I DO need to vacuum and spray the floor (it's all carpet *sigh*) for fleas. You'd think as cold as it's been they would all be gone. Poor Fuzzy I think she is allergic to them like Reecie was.
Tonight's to do list:::
Need to stop at the grocery store and pick up some eggs for chicken noodles and some things for us to eat/snack on. I think we are having Bacon Burger Dogs for supper tonight. At least that's what hubby said he wanted. I will also be making a double batch of chicken and noodles for tomorrow. Then more Christmas Crochet if there are any minutes left.
Recipe I recently tried:::
I haven't tried anything new since Thanksgiving. Unless you count creating dips with chipotle base and sour cream. MMMmmmm I can't wait to get fryers so we can have homemade french fries. I bet the chipotle dip would be amazing with them.
cuddle with Fuzzy. Lately this has been our late night thing. She curls up in my lap and snoozes while I crochet. She never has touched my yarn. Hummmm.......
Today I'm wearing:::
Jeans (with a hole in the knee that I need to patch), my neon pink tennies, a long sleeve shirt and a t-shirt underneath, just in case I get too warm, but I don't see that happening until I get home tonight and start cooking. LOL!
From the camera:::
Found this painting in the upstairs of our new building. It's painted by Leonard Wren, born and raised in Coffeyville, KS.
So here's the story behind the painting. There was a burger joint "on the main drag" around 22nd and Main here in our town called Herkies. It was open somewhere around the 1974-1976 time frame. From what I've learned Mr. Wren designed the interior of the business, the menus, the signs and even the employee's uniforms.
We will be displaying this painting in our new building, along with the story behind it. Maybe Mr. Wren will be able to come see it and tell us more. :-D
I'm linking up with Sandra over at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom
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