
Monday, September 14, 2015

HHM 9/14/2015

You know, even though I'm not a SAHM I'm still a homemaker.  I have a family to take care of and a home that should be kept it neat and clean.  I do also have the responsibility of 2 businesses to keep neat and clean, and a multitude of customers to care for as well.  Wow!  So....I've decided it's going to be Happy Homemaker Monday, because my home AND my businesses are my home.  They are where I spend my time, with my family none the less, 24 hours a day.

The weather..... 

Not looking too bad this week.  This morning it's been kinda cloudy looking and they say we could have spot storms. Nothing severe, just rain and wind.

Right now I am.... listening to the lights buzzing. I can hear a lawnmower somewhere downtown, and cars driving by on the street.

On my Kindle.... Still reading In the Presence of my Enemies by Gracia Burnham *affiliate link*  

TV on my Computer..... Switched at Birth again tonight.  I'm looking forward to that. I won't watch it live, but will watch it sometime this week online.

I watched Anne of Green Gables this weekend.  It has been a long time since I've seen it.

What I found while surfing the net.... I have found some crochet and knit and tunisuan crochet patterns that I want to try.

Favorite Find on Pinterest...... Next month we are having a pumpkin decorating contest at the Castle.  No carved pumpkins, just decorated ones.  There are a ton of ideas!  I think we need to make one, just because.  LOL!

My Menu.... I think mac and cheese with hot dogs.

I've NOT kept my side bar updated recently, but will try and fix it soon, as to what I have on hand to make, or what's in the freezer.  I don't haven't a menu/list made up for this week.  Something I will work on tonight and tomorrow.  Hopefully we bring in enough money this week co I can go to the store.

  • Sunday dinner at church, I took oreo fluff, and  for supper I made ham and cheese sliders
  •  Monday: mac and cheese with hot dogs
  • Tuesday: homemade pizza of some sort, maybe pizza bread, it's easier ;-)
  • Wednesday: supper at church 
  • Thursday Homemade corndog bread unless we have to run the AC at the castle
  • Friday: ??  something heat and eat
  • Saturday: ??  something heat and eat
Here is what I bought at the store for this week:  Love the Out of Milk app!

(the .99 cents at the top is the cool whip from the previous picture. and the price shown is for 1 item even if you need multiple.)

On my to do list this week....
  • make menu
  • make grocery list
  • clean bathrooms
  • work on knitting and crochet projects
  • sweep living room
  • sweep upstairs
  • sweep kitchen
  • Get snacks ready for pirate day, on Saturday.
  • Print coloring sheets for pirate day
  • Report sales tax for last month

In the craft basket....

I still haven't made any more flowers for my curtain.  I have been working on my poncho and trying out (and frogging) different Tunisian patterns and knit patterns.
I did organize my hooks and needles looking for a pair of knitting needles, which I still haven't found.

Looking forward to this week.... Wednesday night supper (cause I don't have to cook) and Bible study (hope I can stay awake this week)

The "portal kids" Friday night at the castle

Pirate day Saturday afternoon at the castle

And if it counts .......vacation time starting as soon as the last person leaves Saturday night!

And Sunday we are planning to go to an SCA meeting.

And just in case I don't get back for next Monday's HHM, I'm hoping to make it to the food show next Tuesday.

Looking around the house....

There are a bunch of those little green grass hopper like things and several big green katydids dead on the floor.  i need sweep them up.  Thursday night we had storms come through that knocked off the electric for about 4 and a half hours (it was nearly bed time anyway LOL), and since we don't have real screens on our windows, the bugs came in for shelter.  For some reason, even though we didn't have power, the street lights were still shining bright.  Not complaining, it helped against any break-ins that could have happened.  Anyway, This little guy is probably the reason for all the dead bugs.  I was super excited to see him.  I also like the contrast of the building in the background that makes him look larger than he really was. :-)

From the camera....

I'm not normally a selfie person, in fact I rarely take them, let alone share them, but hubby added this mustache to the mirror in the bathroom at the castle.  Who could resist?

On my prayer list.....
  • Business to pick up so we aren't scraping to pay bills
  • and business to be good this week so we can AFFORD to take a few days off next week
  • my youngest son can find a job
  • my aching feet.  have been having problems with them since July 5th.
  • we are able to find some scaffolding to borrow so we can work on the kitchen area
  • the "neighbors" (it's a bar that opened up AFTER we did, and we live upstairs of our business) to be quiet so we can get sleep
On my PRAISE list....  
  • My future daughter in law finally found a job
  • (i know there are more from last week, but I'm drawing a blank right now)

  This post linked to Happy Homemaker Monday over at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom


  1. Oh my gosh, bwahahaha! your selfie has me cracking up! Also, i love the view from that window, it reminds me of my hometown, Chicago :)

  2. I enjoyed reading your list. I LOVE the selfie, you should take more LOL

  3. Have a wonderful week!

    My HHM post

  4. Love the selfie and the giant mantis!


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