
Monday, May 01, 2017

HHM 5-1-17

Long time to post.  It's been 3 weeks at least.  I've been posting videos on YouTube though.  Was trying for 2 a week.  If you don't want to go look now I have the links scheduled in future posts here.  Today I feel crappy. It's my turn to be sick.  Hubby had it and is basically well now. Son has it for about a week now. This past weekend I got it.  Whatever IT is we don't like it!  Anyway I have been working on posting links to my youtube videos here for future posts, and posting products for sale on some facebook groups and on my webpage.  Since I was here I decided to post a HHM today.

As I look outside my window:::

The sun is shining. The wind is blowing, and it's COLD outside!  Currently 51.  It has rained and rained and rained all weekend, so the grass and leaves on the trees are green.  There is still a lot of flooding around.  Im glad we live downtown.  It's the highest spot in town.

Right now I am::: 

FREEZING!  Not feeling well doesn't help either.  

Something funny from this past week:::
There is a newer red mustang that parks out front of the Castle.  Several times this past week I have observed Fuzzy admiring it from the window upstairs.  Ok maybe far fetched, but there were no people to watch and it looked like she was looking directly at it.

Currently Reading:::
Nothing right now but I did finish "The Billionaire Widow's Bride" by Faith Crawford this past weekend.

On my to do list today:::

I've already paid the loan payment and rent, so nothing much else cause I just don't feel like doing anything.

Today's Lunch:::

we came up with an amazing chicken wrap this weekend with some samples we got from our food supplier.  If the price is right they will be on our menu soon.

Preparing for Warm weather:::
Haven't done much thinking on this lately,  It's still been pretty cool and not too hot.  Honestly I haven't done much thinking about it either.  Well yes I have, but not "home improvement" thinking.  I've been looking at pop up trailers and dreaming about heading out to the lake and camping.  It should be cooler out there than downtown, right?

What I am crocheting:::
I am actually farther along on this.  It's tunisian lace crochet.  I am making a scarf.  This is one of 3 that I consider current WIP's.

From the camera:::
Ugh....Roof Leak in the new theatre room!  No worries we didn't finish the ceiling on purpose because we were waiting on a hard rain with strong winds hoping to figure out where it was coming from.

Something I Recently Made:::
More about this in an upcoming post.......

Praise/Prayer List:::
PRAISE the sun is shining today!
PRAISE  It's been cool enough we haven't had to run the AC

Prayer me and youngest son to get well

Prayer hubby's upcoming dental surgery

I'm joining Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom for HHM.  Go visit her and the rest of those who have joined in. 

Thank you for stopping by and visiting. 


  1. You are so creative! The crocheting, especially, is lovely and so detailed.

  2. I enjoyed your HHM. I hope the roof leak is resolved without too much work and expense. Have a great week.

  3. So sorry you're feeling poorly, I hope you get better soon :)

    I love your scarf, and that's such a pretty stitch. I wish I enjoyed knitting as much as I do crochet, there are so many things I could be making.

    Have a good week :)


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