Monday, August 11, 2014

Happy Homemaker Monday ~~ 8/11/2014

The weather outside today: 

Looking outside:  The sun is shining.  It's not too hot yet.  There is a slight breeze.

This morning I have: swept and swept and swept the basement.  have another inspection at the castle this morning.  i think sweeping the basement could be a part time position.  LOL!  

Thinking and pondering: to go or not to go.  this year is my 25th class reunion.  do i want to go or not.  every other time they have had one I didn't go and it was a BYOB type event.  not my idea of a get together.  

I'm thankful for: good week for both businesses

Breakfast this morning:  A cup of ice

Looking around the house:  there are a few dirty dishes from late night snacking.  overall it's pretty clean.  

On this week's to do list:  need to stop by the grocery store tonight on my way home to pick up a few things.  at the shop today I am putting all the sidewalk sale stuff back on the shelf......with the sale discount still clear up at the front door.  that's about all I have planned right now.

Currently reading:  I  still haven't really picked a book.  I have one I started but not sure I am going to read it.

Watching on the Computer today/this past week:  Switched at Birth this week!  You can watch it at 7 central on ABC Family.  If you don't get ABC Family, you can watch last week's episode HERE.  

I also watched S1E1 of Mr. Ed on YouTube  I wished TV shows today were as good as shows were back before I was born. LOL!

I highly recommend AdBlock via Chrome Extension if you are going to watch online episodes.   AdBlock seems to do the trick and prevents most if not all pop-ups.  You can enable it and disable it as needed.  

If I have a few minutes to myself this week, I will:  Visit some of my favorite blogs again, maybe do some blogging, and read.

New recipe I tried, or want to try this week: We want to try making a  Wild Cherry Cheesecake Sundae  Sounds AMAZING!

Favorite photo from the camera:

Probably no pictures for a long time from me.  Sadly my droid had a swimming lesson this past week and even after the rice cure it didn't survive.  *sigh*  

Visiting with blog friends (blog you want to share, blog post that caught your eye):  I didn't really find a blog, but I did fine an online radio station that I can listen to on my Kindle as well.  I Shared about it HERE

Praying for:  We are praying the individual reconsiders on our offer for the building.  
Good Business
Me, withdraws from a "smart device".  (actually it hasn't been too bad so far)

Linked up with Diary of a Stay at Home Mom for Happy Homemaker Monday


  1. Hello, I'm visiting via Sandra at Happy Homemaker Monday. Sorry to hear about your droid, it's always sad to lose pictures. Your new recipe to try sounds so refreshing!

  2. I'm coming up on my 15 year class reunion and have no desire to go, like you the BYOB doesn't really interest me.

    That dessert sounds out of this world good. Thanks for sharing the link to it and the other blogs.

    Have a great week.

  3. I have never gone to a reunion, I am weird like that but I just don't see the point. Bunch of people from school who don't stay in touch and then meet once in a while to compare what they're all doing to the others. No thanks lol

    Hope you have a great week, oh and your sundae sounds so good.

  4. I probably wont go to my class reunion. Id rather go to hubby class reunion than mine, and I only spent a month during the summer when I met him and made more acquaintances there than friends in my own graduating class.


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