Wednesday, February 11, 2015

The Liebster Award

I have been nominated for The Liebster Award AND I CHOOSE TO ACCEPT IT.
Jean asked 5 questions for me to answer......
  1. Who is your favorite movie actor?  I don't really have one.
  2. What do you like to do to relax? Read or crochet
  3. When is your birthday?  You can just share the month and day if you are old like me.  It's 23 days after Christmas. 
  4. Where would you most like to go on a vacation? someplace warm. Really don't have a vacation destination.  Would love to see the northern lights some day though.
  5. How many television shows do you watch? just 1 regularly.  I'm hooked on Switched at Birth.
Here are 10 random facts about myself:
  1. I'm the youngest and the oldest sibling, (and yes I do have siblings)
  2. I've known DH since we were 15
  3. I held 1st chair flute 3 out of 4 years in high school
  4. I never finished college
  5. I LOVE black cats
  6. I own a 74 super beetle
  7. rainbow/tye-dye is my favorite color!
  8. I'm anti-cold weather
  9. I LOVE summer time and the 100* temps!
  10. I recently started crocheting again.  My mommy taught me when I was 4 or 5 years old.

I'm supposed to nominate 5 blogs.....Not sure who to nominate right now, so if you're reading this post, consider yourself nominated.  If you'f like to play along please be sure and comment and let me know so I can visit your blog and read.

Here are 5 questions for you to answer:

1.  Do you like to receive homemade gifts?
2.  Have you seen the Northern Lights in person?
3.  What kind of car do you drive?
4.  Would you like to be on a reality TV show?  If so what kind of reality show would you like to be on?
5.  What is your favorite pie?

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