
Wednesday, September 23, 2015

My Week.......

**Lots of pictures in this post**

If you remember from last week's HHM post I said we were having a busy week.  Well, we did.  We were in the final prep for Pirate Day which was Saturday.  We only had 11 people come, 8 adults and 3 kids, but we are thankful for those 11.  Here is what we had for fun........

Follow the treasure map......

to where "X" marks the spot for FUN!

We had a photo area, complete with Captain Jack.

Free Pirate Snacks

Coloring Pages (all were colored by adults  LOL!)

Guess how many Doubloons.

Deep Sea Fishing

Treasure Hunt

And some random decorations.  Pirate Skeleton in a cage.
Net hoisted from the loft landing to the heater duct.

and Lanterns strung across the room.

The decorations and the "Treasure Hunt" will be left out for the month of October, and Halloween.

YEA!!!!! We have a street light in our alley now!  The owner of the building next door paid to have it repaired, and the owner of the building to the left is paying the electric on it.  It actually benefits all 3 businesses.

Vacation began Monday morning.  Up until now we have only taken 1 day off (not including holidays) since last September.  We weren't open at the lock shop, but were willing to do mobile calls as long as we were in town.  Monday morning we were supposed to go make keys for a vehicle first thing (9;00am) but the person found their keys.  SO off we went and enjoyed a day going to flea markets in SW Missouri.

Tuesday morning we headed north to unlock an RV for a service garage that had been working on it.  We then stopped at a "dent and ding" grocery store on our way home.  We didn't know what it was when we stopped, we thought it was another flea market.  Lookie at the Amish horse and wagon!  There is a large community not too far away.  There was an Amish couple shopping at the store too.

We then headed south into NE Oklahoma, after getting a bite to eat.  We went to our favorite flea market there.  It's HUGE!!!!!!!  It's a good 3 blocks long and probably at least a quarter block wide.  

Today, Wednesday, we decided to stay home and work on some things around here.  We did unlock a few vehicles today.  I spent the morning catching up on my dishes and doing a little cleaning downstairs.  Then I went upstairs to clean the bedroom.  
Here is the "before" picture.......

and the "after" picture. 

I did some rearranging.  I'm hoping by putting the metal "closet" in front of the window and moving the bed to the opposite sire of the room will help make it a little darker.  Those darn street lights (I think they are switching them out to LED bulbs) are quite annoying and making it hard to sleep.  Have to have the curtain open if we want any air from the open window.

We decided to be social, it's not something we do very often, and we went to the local Chamber's open house.  Then off to church for supper and bible study.  After we got home we finished cleaning downstairs and are almost ready to open tomorrow evening at 5:00.  Just a few little things left to do.

Thankful for the time off.  It was MUCH needed.  Wish we could be off longer, but you can't make money if you're not open.


  1. Love the pictures. And like the way your bedroom is now.

    1. Thanks Michelle :-) It has been easier to sleep, the street light isn't as bright and right in our face now.


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