At church we started "The Story" today. All the Sunday school classes are studying it. We watch a short video then break up into our class and discuss the questions. The sermon is based on the "weekly chapter" and children's church lesson is also based on the weekly chapter. There are 40 chapters, so this will take us 40 weeks.....almost a year. Today Preacher did a comparison in the sanctuary of the sun, which was the size of a pea that he sat on the upper ledge of baptistry, to a globe he has in his office. He set that about 3 feet away.....then walked through the sanctuary and helped us visualize just how far each planet was from the sun. Neptune, which was a blue paper, was at the very back of the room, and pluto was somewhere out in the parking lot. LOL! Very interesting, and unfortunatly, like every Sunday, I had a hard time staying awake. *sigh*
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We ordered out Pizza for lunch. While I was waiting on it, I got a call.....someone locked out of their truck at the lake. Told them they would have to wait, lunch came first. After lunch Hubby and I headed to the lake to unlock the truck. It was at one of the boat docks.....with boat on the trailer behind. The guy said there was a big catfish tied to the back of the boat.

There sure enough was. Look at the size of that one closest to his leg!!!!! I don't think I've seen one that big in person. On the way home I asked hubby if he thought they were going to eat the fish. He said probably so. I had a bad experience with fish once, and haven't had fish since.
While we were there unlocking I seen this wooly-bear caterpillar. Unfortunately he was dead, he got squished, but I took it for the colors. Just a bit of black on each end and all brown in the middle. He was pretty fluffy too.

Heading back to the Castle, the weinermobile was at the grocery store! Even at my age it was exciting to see! Might be fun to take a ride in it some day. I peeked in but didn't take pictures because there were people in there.

Next stop was the laundromat. I had to wait on a couple of washers when I got there as they were all being used. I washed 2 loads and dried 1. The other load got brought home and hung up to dry. Next time I go I think I will try 50 cents less in the dryer. The clothes come out so hot, they almost feel like they are on fire. They are dry though.
While I was there I started another hat. It is going to be a piggy hat.

When I got back Fuzzy was enjoying the afternoon sun. I was too. It is kind of chilly today, but in the sun it felt kinda hot actually.
I found a practical use for hubby's weight tree, which we aren't using right now. It's perfect for hanging my extra hangers on.
Remember I said Hubby said we need to get more organized? Well I cleaned off this shelf and folded and put the towels and under things on it. It's nice and organized now, and both my laundry baskets are currently empty. Well DuH! I just washed clothes today. I'm trying......it's a slow process for someone who is not a naturally organized person. One thing at a time.

Oldest son came by this afternoon and stayed to play MTG. I told him he had to stay and I fixed supper. Mac and Cheese with hot dogs. Both boys had venti chocolate lattes, I had a venti hazelnut latte and hubby had a pepsi.
The rest of the evening was spent organizing shelves and cabinets in preparation for our target April opening for serving ice cream and coffee ans sodas at the Castle.
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