
Wednesday, May 31, 2017

My Thoughts on Homemade Laundry Soap -- Part 2

If you missed just scroll down to the previous post.  Now on to business......
I have never been a fan of the traditional homemade liquid laundry soap.  Having to grate the soap, cook it, and the slimy mixture.  I've done that once, and never again. Granted it was a long time ago, back when the boys were little, but I just didn't like it at all.  The only time I made it I didn't think it cleaned well at all.  Maybe it was just that recipe, or maybe the soap I used (I think I used dial or something like that because that's all I had at the time).  Not to mention now I really don't have the time or space to make it right now.
The beginning of this month, May, I decided to buy some store brand green apple scented dish soap and try it.  My thought was Cheap, Bubbles, and Good Smelling.  I washed a few loads with just the dish soap.  It had some bubbles, which I liked.  The clothes, especially the socks and underwear, had a hint of green apple smell after they were dry, which I liked.  I also added a mixture of borax, washing soda, and store brand oxy-clean to the load separately.  All the clothes had the same clean smell and feel to them.
Surely I could mix the powder and the dish soap together and make it work, right?  I got on Pinterest I think it was and started looking.  I found this recipe for a no grate liquid laundry soap.  I couldn't remember where I had found the recipe and I totally forgot I sent the link to myself in e-mail, so I winged it.  I remembered the 1/2 cup portions but that was it.
I had an empty gallon vinegar jug so I started with it.  I added my powder......borax, washing soda, and oxy cleaner, that I already had mixed up.  I have no clue what the ratio on those were as I didn't measure them in the first place I just poured them in an empty oxy container that I had, until it was half full.  I added half cup of dish soap to my jug and then filled with water.  That was a mistake as it made bubbles.  Next time I think I will mix it up a little differently.
The first week It worked really well and I had some bubbles and most of the clothes had a slight green apple scent.  Every time I used it though I had to turn the jug upside down to mix the ingredients.
This week I finished using the dish soap in a jug with the squirt lid.  I opted to swap containers.  I do like the new jug much better,  I noticed my vinegar jug was a bit bloated.  Probably from the oxy cleaner.  Also the powder ingredients were now all dissolved.  It had more of a gel to it, but it was still very liquid.  Most of my clothes has a slight apple smell.  I had a few bubbles, and everything smelled clean.
I didn't actually measure how much I used per load, but it was a small squirt or two depending on what was in the wonder washer.  I still have a lot left after about 3 washes.  (I wash about every 3-4 days)
I do plan on making this again,  Unless it gets used between now and the time I need to make more, I have some green apple dish soap left.  I will also measure next time for a better "feel" on how this recipe works.  I can always modify it.   I do like the idea of choosing my scent.  If I feel like lemon next time I can buy the lemon scent dish soap.  If I want something more "traditional" smelling, I can go with a name brand.
Here is the actual recipe from the website I mentioned above:
1/2 cup each borax, washing soda, and dish soap.  4 cups HOT water.  Add your dry ingredients and dish soap to your jug.  Add the hot water and mix.  Finish filling your jug with cold water.
On the oxy cleaner....I'm thinking I will start with 1/4 cup.  This was just an additive I already had in my powder mix I had made up.  It's seen a lot in homemade powder laundry soap.  I don't know if it's necessary but it is working for me so far.  This is quick, easy and appears to be a cheap recipe.  After I actually measure making a new batch and have an idea about how long it will last me, I will have a better idea.
When I make another batch and actually MEASURE the dry, per the recipe I found, I will let you know what I think and how this first batch worked for me.