Good evening everyone! Hope you all are staying cool. We try to use the AC as little as possible. This week it's going to be a challenge for sure. So here's a little about my day:
It's a bit warm, even for me today. This week isn't going to be much better. This week is going to be the hottest we have had yet this summer. Heat index 100+ and temps bear 100 later on in the week. Whew!
Today for lunch Hubby had a couple frozen burritos and I had a deluxe turkey sandwich (lettuce, tomato, onion and cheese).
Today I had a few things to do after we closed the shop. Probably more too, but, right after close we went for a small AC to put upstairs. It's getting too hot, even for us, and poor Fuzzy has been collecting on her "frequent flyer miles" as I call them. I have been taking her to the shop where we keep it cooler than upstairs. So we bought a small AC and installed it. I wrote down the time and the current temperature upstairs. at 7:35pm it was 92*. Hopefully it cools quickly.
I haven't much been in the crochet or reading mood here lately. It has been a bit warm to crochet and reading....meh. I have worked on my rainbow 10 stitch blanket recently though.
Oh yah, a kitchen tip.......instead of throwing out bananas that are getting too ripe, freeze them or use them immediately to make banana bread. For a change we had a bunch ripen quickly so I made 4 loaves and still have bananas to use.
I did find the construction paper I mentioned last time. I do think it helps a little bit It sure is pretty. Today we bought a small AC and put it in the boys room, which is on the north side in the alley. Between it and our fans we are hoping it will keep the 2 bedrooms cool.
Well I hope you enjoyed your visit. I hope to see you again soon.
I'm linking up with Sandra at
Diary of a Stay at Home Mom today.