You know, even though I'm not a SAHM I'm still a homemaker. I have a family to take care of and a home that should be kept it neat and clean. I do also have the responsibility of 2 businesses to keep neat and clean, and a multitude of customers to care for as well. Wow! So....I've decided Happy Homemaker Monday,is all about my home AND my businesses. They are where I spend my time, with my family none the less, 24 hours a day.
The weather..... Right now it's 34* and feels like 27*. We have a chance for freezing drizzle through 1pm. When I got up this morning the ground was wet and there were random white spots. It looks dry now, so I'm thinking we won't get the freezing drizzle. Unless they change the forecast (like the almost always do) by Thursday we are supposed to be up to the low 40's.
Right now I am....
sitting here thinking I really NEED to get busy on some paperwork. It has gotten way ahead of me and the end of the year is coming way too quickly and I really don't want to have to do it then. I am also kind of thinking about Thursday.....what I want to cook. Nothing big and fancy. My future daughter in law will be coming over for supper. I told her it was going to be simple. I'm thinking maybe chips and dips (junk foods) during the day and maybe pizza for supper. We shall see though.
On my Kindle.... I'm reading Angels Watching Over Me (Shenandoah Sisters Book #1)
. Today, 11/25/13, it is FREE for kindle, it is subject to change back any time. This is my second time reading this book and I love it! I'd like to read the rest of the books in the series.
On the Radio.... something is playing. I don't recognize the song
On the Radio.... something is playing. I don't recognize the song
TV on my Computer..... Probably not much until January when ABC's Switched at Birth comes back on.
What I found while surfing the net.... The only thing I've "surfed for" lately is chocolate chip cookie recipes LOL!
On my to do list this week.... [at the lock/incense shop this week:]
- sweep
- clean the glass cases
- paperwork!!!!!!!
[ for Cosmic Castle this week:]
- We are closed on Monday's, and open regular hours the rest of the week
- Tonight (Monday) we will make the Chicken N Noodles (from scratch to serve Tuesday evening)
- Truck will come Wednesday if we order anything.
Thursday we will be closed
[at home this week:]
- work on laundry, I have some drying on the drying racks and some towels in the washer waiting on their turn to dry
- try to do a little each night to keep place clean
- keep dishes washed
- put clean/dry laundry away
- start thinking a little harder about thanksgiving. It's only a few days away now.
In the craft basket.... I still haven't been doing anything, but my husband is still working on a foam cannon to go with his pile of (foam) cannon balls.
Looking forward to this week.... I AM looking forward to tonight and Thursday!
Looking around the house....
Not bad, the kitchen needs work this week. The bathroom has finally gotten taken care of. If I get a chance I probably should vacuum before Thursday.
From the camera.......
Not bad, the kitchen needs work this week. The bathroom has finally gotten taken care of. If I get a chance I probably should vacuum before Thursday.
From the camera.......
The water in the sink makes amazing designs sometimes.
On my prayer list.....
- My grandpa (he's 94 years old)
- My sister
- Business decisions
- Tuesday night to happen again without a glitch and be successful

Shop at Smelly Good Stuffs for a Large selection of hand dipped incenses.
Love the water effect in the sink, sooooo cool :)