You know, even though I'm not a SAHM I'm still a homemaker. I have a family to take care of and a home that should be kept it neat and clean. I do also have the responsibility of 2 businesses to keep neat and clean, and a multitude of customers to care for as well. Wow! So....I've decided Happy Homemaker Monday,is all about my home AND my businesses. They are where I spend my time, with my family none the less, 24 hours a day.
The weather..... It is COLD out there! Last night when I checked the weather we had no precipitation in the forecast for at least 10 days and the temps were supposed to be slowly climbing into the low 40's. About 3:00 this morning the weather alert on my phone went off and we were issued a winter storm advisory for noon today through midnight with the possibility of 1-4 inches of snow. Right now (about 1pm) it's 22* feels like 13* and it's not doing anything. I'm ready for 80 degree weather and rain. :-)
Right now I am.... I'm sitting here eating cold Burger King french fries and a cold original chicken sandwich. It was hot when i brought it back, but customers came in. It's not an uncommon thing to eat a cold lunch. I'm cold as well. I've been back roughly 30 minutes, but was out running errands for about 45 minutes and it's cold outside!
On my Kindle.... I am still reading Ruth's Dilemma (The Zook Sisters of Lancaster County)
. I haven't been in the reading mood lately.
On the Radio.... We are listening to some christian radio station via the internet.
On the Radio.... We are listening to some christian radio station via the internet.
What I found while surfing the net.... Seed Balls! I seen a post on my facebook timeline for them. They would make awesome gifts.
On my to do list this week.... [at the lock/incense shop this week:]
- sweep
- dust
- clean the glass cases
- I have dome a little with that pile of paperwork, but I still have a ways to go.
- work on my webpage, finish adding the sticks for sale and possible start adding other things too.
[ for Cosmic Castle this week:]
- We are closed on Monday's, and open regular hours the rest of the week
- Tonight (Monday) we will make the Chicken N Noodles (from scratch to serve Tuesday evening)
- Tuesday I count inventory
- Thursday is truck day
- Friday is Hot Beef night.
- I need to make homemade chocolate chip cookies too.
[at home this week:]
- work on laundry, I made the dryer a lot safer to use, so we will be using that. It will help laundry get done a lot faster.
- try to do a little each night to keep place clean
- keep dishes washed
- start thinking about Christmas?
In the craft basket.... I have been thinking a little harder about homemade Christmas gifts since i have like 2 weeks! I have a couple homemade crochet dishcloths/pot holders that I could give, but I was also thinking about making some homemade soap, homemade baked goods, and maybe sew an apron for someone special. I only feel obligated to give 4 maybe 5 gifts this year other than to my hubby and boys. At this point my gifts to my immediate family will be home cooked food and goodies unless I can come up with something more.
Looking forward to this week.... I AM looking forward to tonight! Maybe the snow we are supposed to get. I like snow, it's pretty, but I don't like having to be out in it or hubby having to work out in it.
Looking around the house....
The kitchen needs a little clean up. We ate lunch at home yesterday and I just have a few dishes to wash up before the cooking begins tonight. We obviously have a mouse. One of our cats has been hunting here lately. She has caught 2, one we took away from her because she was playing with it, the other was in the middle of the night and she played with it too, *sigh* I keep telling her to kill not play. LOL!
From the camera.......
The kitchen needs a little clean up. We ate lunch at home yesterday and I just have a few dishes to wash up before the cooking begins tonight. We obviously have a mouse. One of our cats has been hunting here lately. She has caught 2, one we took away from her because she was playing with it, the other was in the middle of the night and she played with it too, *sigh* I keep telling her to kill not play. LOL!
From the camera.......
our 2nd snow of the winter. It fell between about 5am and 9am yesterday
Our 1st snow was a couple days ago, it was about the same amount, but was gone by the time we got the 2nd one. What we get today will be on top of what you see in the picture.
The Menu this week.....
We are going to try and eat at home a little more on our "off days", and we always have leftover castle foods to eat.
Sunday -- Spaghetti
Monday -- Not sure yet
Tuesday -- Chicken noodle dinner at castle
Wednesday -- castle leftovers
Thursday -- castle leftovers
Friday -- hot beef at the castle
Saturday -- castle leftovers
My Christmas Eve Menu.....
Wanting to for sure make some Atomic Buffalo Turds (that's what they are really called!)
Possibly Dorito Crusted Chicken Strips
Possibly some jalapeno poppers
and there will be more depending on how much time I have/want to spend cooking
On my prayer list.....
- My grandpa (he's 94 years old)
- My sister
- Business decisions
- Tuesday night to be successful
- Friday night to be successful
Hi, followed the link over from Diary of a Stay at Home Mom. Sounds like you have a lot of creative juices flowing for gifts this year. Hope you get some time to work on them and stay warm!