Sorry you get the text version this week. LOL! Last week's vlog was fun and I do plan on doing it again sometime.
10:30 am
10:30 am
The weather..... well......we got SNOW! Yes it snowed this morning after a week of 70+ degree temperatures and severe storms yesterday. Thankfully we didn't get the tennis ball size hail and 70+ MPH winds they were predicting. In fact we just for a brief downpour and a little wind.
Right now I am....I'm at work. Kinda having a hard time getting going this morning. Already checked e-mail and shared free books. Had a few customers it lunch time yet?
On my Kindle....
I'm still reading:

On the menu this week...... um.......not sure dollars are a little tight right now so there won't be any extra trips to the store. Will be surviving off what we have for a while.
On the Radio.... Absolutely nothing. All I hear is the hum of the fluorescent lights. That's music to my ears because I like quiet.
I'm still reading:
On the menu this week...... um.......not sure dollars are a little tight right now so there won't be any extra trips to the store. Will be surviving off what we have for a while.
On the Radio.... Absolutely nothing. All I hear is the hum of the fluorescent lights. That's music to my ears because I like quiet.
TV on my Computer..... Nothing special. I watched Mom at 16 on YouTube. (opens in new window) If you decide to watch it, make sure you have tissues close by.
What I found while surfing the net.... Lots of yummy food ideas on Pinterest.
On my to do list this week....
Make cookies tonight
Make chicken noodles tonight
Work on more bags/boxes to unpack
Make cookies tonight
Make chicken noodles tonight
Work on more bags/boxes to unpack
Looking forward to this week.... does next Sunday count as this week? It should right since it's before next week's HHM. Sunday is Hubby and my anniversary. Also since it's Easter Sunday we are taking the day off.
As I look outside the window..... it's wet and cold. It just got done snowing a few minutes ago. Nothing stuck to the ground, it's too warm. Hopefully we don't get any more.
As I look outside the window..... it's wet and cold. It just got done snowing a few minutes ago. Nothing stuck to the ground, it's too warm. Hopefully we don't get any more.
Looking around the house.... The kitchen is clean. The dishes are all washed. There is a whole chicken cooking in the slow cooker, it will be done about 4:30 this afternoon. (It's for chicken noodles the next 3 weeks, then I will not be making them again until fall.) The bedroom is looking a little better. I decided I needed to go through bags and get clothes put away and get rid of clothes we don't need.
1:42pm (had to back to this for a few minutes
From the camera....... A little vlog snippet of my weekend. Saturday enjoying the 80* temps. Sunday a little cleaning fun with Fuzzy and Monday Freezing weather and proof we had snow. Enjoy!
On my prayer list.....
1:42pm (had to back to this for a few minutes
From the camera....... A little vlog snippet of my weekend. Saturday enjoying the 80* temps. Sunday a little cleaning fun with Fuzzy and Monday Freezing weather and proof we had snow. Enjoy!
On my prayer list.....
- My grandpa (he's almost 95 years old)
- My sister
- My Uncle T
- Business decisions
- Tuesday night to be successful
- SUMMERTIME to get here
- being able to cook on an electric stove and not burn things. (I hate electric stoves)
I watch tv on my computer too .... How are you liking reading 12 Years a Slave?
I'm actually enjoying it Sherry. I've learned a lot about slavery I never knew happened. Like I knew a lot in the first place. LOL! I looked on YouTube and the full movie is available to watch there. I think I will watch it AFTER I finish the book.