Looking outside right now: We just had a brief downpour that lasted maybe a whole 2 minutes. The sun was shining in the east, dark clouds off to the west and within about 2 minutes the sidewalk and street were wet. Didn't take long for it to dry either. Downtown has started waking up (it's 10:45 am) shop keepers have swept in front of their stores, the city workers have been working on the semi-dead grass that's growing up in the cracks of the sidewalks (they got wet in the downpour LOL). Cars are starting to fill up the parking spaces for the restaurant next door (which I WILL NOT eat at). The sky is still looking kind of dark overall, so I wonder if we will be getting more rain.
So far today I have: Got up and ready for the day. Cleaned one of the 2 litter boxes. Fed and watered the cats. Changed the kitchen trash. Rode to work with hubby. opened the shop. Paid bills. Took the water bill to the city building and paid it. Made a pot of coffee (just got my 1st cup and it's time to go get lunch). Answered the phone several times. Called in our ice cream order for this week. Posted to our business pages on Facebook. Checked my Facebook........and the day has just gotten started!
Thinking and pondering: Um....not sure. We did look into a different building this week for the Castle, but discovered it won't work......the doors are to narrow! The front door is the same width of some of the arcade games, and the sandwich cabinet is a little wider than those games, so.....*sigh* Still looking and thinking how and where we can move to and still stay in this town.
I'm thankful for:
that my Mom is OK. No one has heard from her or been able to contact her in about 2 weeks. I called the PD in the town she lives in to go do a welfare check on her since neither my sister or I live close enough to just run over and check. All is good, she just didn't have enough money this month to put minutes on her phone.
Breakfast this morning: Breakfast? Ha! I was too busy paying bills and tending shop duties. I did munch on a little raw cauliflower. SO I guess breakfast will be lunch. I'm having the Bacon Clubhouse burger and fries from McDonalds today.
Looking around the house: I think I'm actually doing better at keeping things cleaner. Still no Better Homes & Garden showcase house, but better than it has been since we moved back home in February.
On this week's To DO list: need to clean the other cat box. there are a few dirty dishes from last night. need to vacuum and spray the floor for fleas and flea comb at least Gwen, will do Fuzzy if she will let me. Need to clean Reecie's cage.
From the camera: I did take a picture just today on my way to get lunch. I think someone needs training on the difference between plants and weeds.......I'm not totally sure, but I think those tall plants that are almost as tall as the tree, are ragweed. This is right behind our shop.
Currently reading: Haven't much been in the reading mood lately. I am waiting on Among the Hidden (Shadow Children)
Watched on the computer this past week:
Last week's Switched at Birth episode HERE. Tonight is the summer season finale.
I also watched Coal House at War episodes 1-5
I highly recommend AdBlock via Chrome Extension if you are going to watch online episodes. AdBlock seems to do the trick and prevents most if not all pop-ups. You can enable it and disable it as needed.If I have a few minutes to myself this week I will:
If I don't spend them reading I might just dig out some yarn and see about making something. Christmas is coming.....Like I will actually finish something to give as a gift LOL!
Visiting with friends: Not really a friend, but I found this link on pinterest for a travel trailer that attaches to the top of a 1974 VW Beetle . Totally Epic! I Must Have!
Praying for:
- my niece
- the individual with the building we would like to have to reconsider our offer
- maybe a different location all together that would work for us.
I'm linking up with Sandra over at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom
I'm so glad your mom was okay. That must have been a bit scary. Hope you have a wonderful week.
ReplyDeleteOh goodness I'm glad your mom is ok, I can just imagine how worried you all were.
ReplyDeleteI think you're correct on the weeds, those do indeed look like ragweeds.
Hope you're having a great Monday so far, and wishing you a good week ahead :)