"Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing." 1 Thessalonians 5:11
Monday, September 29, 2014
Monday, September 22, 2014
Happy Homemaker Monday ~~ 9/22/2014
Good morning! My favorite day of the week, for blogging anyway. :-)
Breakfast this morning: I'm about ready for my 2nd cup of coffee with hazlenut creamer. I also had a strawberry poptart. I stopped to get the poptarts beause hubby is out on a job first thing and isn't sure when he will be back. I wanted him to have something in his tummy.
The weather outside today: It is COLD!!!!! Well in my book anyway. It was 59* when I got up at 8:00 this morning. Only supposed to get in the mid 70's today. I put on a long denim skirt.....I need to make more of these, but when?
So far today I have: Gotten up, come to the shop, paid bills, ordered ice cream, ordered pepsi, started my incense draining that I was soaking, made more entries for this giveaway, cleared some paper clutter, talked with the chamber, sent some e-mails......and I've only been here [at work] about an hour and a half.
Looking around the house: It's almost chicken noodle dinner and homemade soups and homemade cookies time so I did some cleaning in the kitchen last night. I still have a little to do yet. there is a basket of towels that heeds folded and put away and clean clothes hiding in the dryer. For the most part it's not too bad.
Tonight's To DO list: Work on the kitchen a little more. Clean cat boxes. Go to the store. fold laundry? (that's a "?" on purpose)
I'm thankful for: The good business day we had on Saturday. We need more days like that!
Praying for:
Currently reading: Among the Impostors (Shadow Children book #2) came up available for download and I read it (in about a day). These books are AMAZING! I recommend them, even though they are young adult books. Hard to put down and easy to read. I have book #3 on hold and it should be available in about 2 weeks. I also have started reading Johnny Cornflakes, and Wife No. 19. I will probably resume reading Wife No. 19 first.
Watched on the computer this past week: can you believe I didn't watch anything at all? Strange I know, but I seemed to be busy. Maybe today I can watch a few things while I'm scanning MTG cards for hubby to to add to his webstore.
Breakfast this morning: I'm about ready for my 2nd cup of coffee with hazlenut creamer. I also had a strawberry poptart. I stopped to get the poptarts beause hubby is out on a job first thing and isn't sure when he will be back. I wanted him to have something in his tummy.
The weather outside today: It is COLD!!!!! Well in my book anyway. It was 59* when I got up at 8:00 this morning. Only supposed to get in the mid 70's today. I put on a long denim skirt.....I need to make more of these, but when?
So far today I have: Gotten up, come to the shop, paid bills, ordered ice cream, ordered pepsi, started my incense draining that I was soaking, made more entries for this giveaway, cleared some paper clutter, talked with the chamber, sent some e-mails......and I've only been here [at work] about an hour and a half.
Looking around the house: It's almost chicken noodle dinner and homemade soups and homemade cookies time so I did some cleaning in the kitchen last night. I still have a little to do yet. there is a basket of towels that heeds folded and put away and clean clothes hiding in the dryer. For the most part it's not too bad.
Tonight's To DO list: Work on the kitchen a little more. Clean cat boxes. Go to the store. fold laundry? (that's a "?" on purpose)
I'm thankful for: The good business day we had on Saturday. We need more days like that!
Praying for:
- my niece
- to get bills paid off
- to get the roof fixed
- a building?
- Better business days
Currently reading: Among the Impostors (Shadow Children book #2) came up available for download and I read it (in about a day). These books are AMAZING! I recommend them, even though they are young adult books. Hard to put down and easy to read. I have book #3 on hold and it should be available in about 2 weeks. I also have started reading Johnny Cornflakes, and Wife No. 19. I will probably resume reading Wife No. 19 first.
Watched on the computer this past week: can you believe I didn't watch anything at all? Strange I know, but I seemed to be busy. Maybe today I can watch a few things while I'm scanning MTG cards for hubby to to add to his webstore.
I highly recommend AdBlock via Chrome Extension if you are going to watch online episodes. AdBlock seems to do the trick and prevents most if not all pop-ups. You can enable it and disable it as needed.If I have a few minutes to myself this week I will: read. Easiest thing to do in just a few minute segments. Visiting with friends: Not much visiting lately except for the iPad giveaway that I mentioned earlier. I have read Sandra's blog this week though. It's a must read when I get a few minutes because it's encouraging to me.
P.S. I think google doesn't like me or something. I visit all that link up with Sandra for HHM and want to comment on all of them, but I STILL can't comment on the embedded comment boxes. Only the pop-up ones. So I DO visit, I just can't comment. *sigh*I'm linking up with Sandra over at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom
Friday, September 19, 2014
Hubby fixed my tomato soup
Last night hubby fixed my tomato soup recipe. He did amazing things. Sometimes we just have to work together on things. I also got all the dishes done again, well except for the 4 we used finishing up the amazing soup. I dried the load of laundry I washed last night, and washed and dried another. The rest of the evening was spent chatting with a friend on Facebook.
So far today I have been able to check off a few more things on my Cozi ToDo list. It has helped me to see what I need/want to do and it's even nicer to see things get checked off.
So far today I have been able to check off a few more things on my Cozi ToDo list. It has helped me to see what I need/want to do and it's even nicer to see things get checked off.
Thursday, September 18, 2014
Might not sound like much.....
but it was a major accomplishment for me. Last night I made a pot of homemade tomato soup, which needs work, cleaned the cat cage and the tarps (we put underneath the cage to protect the floor) that had been sitting outside waiting to be hosed off, cleaned the bathroom (which for me is always a major chore), washed a load of laundry AND put the clean dishes away and washed the dirty ones, and did a little tidying in the kitchen. I also wiped down the top of the washer and dryer and inside the lid area of the washer. That took most of the awake time I had at home. By the time I was finished I was ready to crash. Tonight is the last early night until Sunday, and I would like to do more cleaning and a little rearranging in the kitchen before Monday night.
I have been using the Cozi app on my kindle, the phone.
I recently made a tablet out of, and the actual web site on the computer to keep track of appointments, to do's and to buy's. Some appointments I have it set up to send me a text notification. So far this has been working for me. Do you use Cozi?
I recently made a tablet out of, and the actual web site on the computer to keep track of appointments, to do's and to buy's. Some appointments I have it set up to send me a text notification. So far this has been working for me. Do you use Cozi?
Monday, September 15, 2014
Happy Homemaker Monday 9/15/2014
Good morning! Well it's almost afternoon, but I still have about 30 minutes of morning. Wonder if I will get this typed up before afternoon. LOL! I doubt it. There are always interruptions.
Breakfast this morning: No breakfast, but I did just finish lunch from Taco Mayo. MMMmm Love me some Mayo, and I even worked there for about 10 years. I miss working there, believe it or not.
The weather outside today: It's actually nice outside. [And I just got interrupted it's now after noon] It's sunny with a nice breeze. The temperature is about 81*. When I checked the weather this morning when I got up we had an 80% chance for rain. Wonder if it has been reduced or if it will come later today/tonight.
So far today I have: Gotten up, come to the shop with hubby, assisted a customer, paid bills, ordered ice cream, posted to the business pages on Facebook, put a new product on the Web Store, answered the phone, texted a little, got some lunch, and run some errands.
Looking around the house: I got on the ball again last night and got the kitchen cleaned up. There is 3 dirty dishes, a plate, a skillet and the metal spatula I used. I also cleaned and did a little rearranging in the livingroom.
Tonight's To DO list: Tonight hubby and I are supposed to go work on cleaning out the old house some more. I also have some laundry to wash and dry.
I'm thankful for: church yesterday. Powerful and opened my eyes to some things I've been missing.
Praying for:
Currently reading: I started reading Johnny Cornflakes, but The Bridge of Peace: Book 2 in the Ada's House Amish Series came available. I read about half way through and realized I'd read it before so I returned it. Then I found Wife No. 19, which is still FREE as of today 9/15/14) free on Amazon. I've skipped some parts of it that have been boring to me, but have found the parts I've read interesting. I forgot all about "the Shadow Children" book I'm waiting on so I better check on that and see how much longer I have before it's available.
Watched on the computer this past week:
a few "Who's Line is it Anyway?" episodes online. ***Caution, not a show for everyone***
- my niece
- to get bills paid off
- to get the roof fixed
- a building?
I highly recommend AdBlock via Chrome Extension if you are going to watch online episodes. AdBlock seems to do the trick and prevents most if not all pop-ups. You can enable it and disable it as needed.If I have a few minutes to myself this week I will: maybe read or add more things to the web store Visiting with friends: Not much visiting lately. P.S. I think google doesn't like me or something. I visit all that link up with Sandra for HHM and want to comment on all of them, but I STILL can't comment on the embedded comment boxes. Only the pop-up ones. So I DO visit, I just can't comment. *sigh* I'm linking up with Sandra over at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom
Friday, September 12, 2014
Undercover Fuzz
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
I found the cutest house
and it screamed BUY ME! I love, love, love the colors. It's neat and not cluttered. It is my dream house. Since I've decided we can't move right now and that I need to be happy with what I have, I got this bright idea that I could paint my house too. It would be cheaper than buying a new house and moving to a different community. Besides this house is only a one bedroom bigger than what I have now. I have this dream to turn a $20,000 house into a $60,000+ house. It can be done I'm sure, with a little time and money (what's that?) and creativity.
I think it would be cool to build a deck in the back yard, maybe a little privacy fence/wall between me and the neighbors?

This sun room is absolutely adorable! It looks warm and cozy. The cats would love a room like this. We probably can't build a sun room, but I can pretty up my front porch a little.
The kitchen.......honestly I like this better than what I have now! It's bright and cheery. Although I think I would have to put some vinyl on the wall somewhere. Maybe some big flowers in coordinating colors.
Would you look at that shower!!!!!!! Flowers and pastel stripes on the wall? I can't wait to get the roof fixed so we can fix the bathroom, and [hopefully] get a real shower.
Simple and bright. Wonder if this would look good in my livingroom? I only have 1 window that I will leave the curtains open on. This gives me ideas, so now I am thinking and planning on how to personalize my house. Cute and simple is how I want it to look.
I think it would be cool to build a deck in the back yard, maybe a little privacy fence/wall between me and the neighbors?
This sun room is absolutely adorable! It looks warm and cozy. The cats would love a room like this. We probably can't build a sun room, but I can pretty up my front porch a little.
The kitchen.......honestly I like this better than what I have now! It's bright and cheery. Although I think I would have to put some vinyl on the wall somewhere. Maybe some big flowers in coordinating colors.
Would you look at that shower!!!!!!! Flowers and pastel stripes on the wall? I can't wait to get the roof fixed so we can fix the bathroom, and [hopefully] get a real shower.
Simple and bright. Wonder if this would look good in my livingroom? I only have 1 window that I will leave the curtains open on. This gives me ideas, so now I am thinking and planning on how to personalize my house. Cute and simple is how I want it to look.
Tuesday, September 09, 2014
The Bus Movie
If you're a vintage VW lover like me you might like to watch The Bus movie. It's currently available for FREE on HULU. I watched it and LOVED it!
Monday, September 08, 2014
Happy Homemaker Monday ~~ 9/8/2014
I am just so indecisive! First I want something, then I don't. Then I want something else.
I think I want to move to a new house, but then I don't. I guess I just need to figure out how much it really would cost ti fix up our house. We live in a decent neighborhood. We own the house, and it's super efficient, but it's dinky (700sqft). Even I feel a little crowded sometimes. I do like being able to know what is going on in every room though. I like being able to see the entire house when I walk in the front door. And I think I want to live in an RV or a camper van full time??????? Maybe my house just needs a little personalization. Other than the kitchen it's basically the same house my MIL lived in. The walls (except 3 in the kitchen) were painted white (they were more of a yellowish white before) by the friend we had living there for a couple of years.
The biggest and first fix-up we need to do is the roof, then redo the bathroom where the leak has ruined it. In the process of redoing the bathroom I want a REAL shower (maybe a tub/shower combo) put in instead of that stupid phone booth sized shower we have now. Enough on the house for now. How about some Happy Homemaker Monday. I missed last week, but hey, it was a holiday.
Breakfast this morning: Just a cup of coffee with suisse mocha creamer. Lunch will be when hubby takes a break from the job he is out on. Probably McDonalds or Braums burgers & fries.
The weather outside today: It's currently 75*. It has cooled down and the evenings has been in the upper 50's. I think Fall is just around the corner. The forecast this week screams NO AC NEEDED!
Looking outside right now: The sun is shining and I see clouds. I think clouds should be required in the sky all the time. They are so mysterious! I love looking at them and trying to see shapes in them.
So far today I have: Gotten up, come to the shop with hubby, made coffee, assisted a customer, paid bills, ordered ice cream, posted to the business pages on Facebook, put out and priced some new keys, answered the phone and took a message, and now I'm writing this post.
Looking around the house: I got on the ball last night and got the kitchen cleaned up. There are NO dirty dishes. Ok, yes there is, I didn't have room in the drainer for the cups, so there is a small stack of cups to be washed. This cooler weather has gotten me thinking about baking and homemade chicken noodle dinners. Have to have a clean kitchen to do that!
On this week's To DO list: Tonight I need to stop by the store to pick up a few things. I also need to vacuum the floors and clean the bathroom this week. The towels need folded and put away, as does the clothes I washed and dried last night.
I'm thankful for: the cooler weather. yes, I know that sounds strange coming from me since I love hot weather. ;-)
Praying for:
Thinking and pondering: Not much, I pretty well summed it up in the bit before I started my HHM post.
From the camera: I still have no way to take pictures, but I did find this video on YouTube that goes right along with yesterday's sermon. We were challenged to not grumble or complain, and to do everything as if we were doing it for Christ this week.
Currently reading: I read and finished The Hope of Refuge: Book 1 in the Ada's House and put the next book on hold. I am currently reading Johnny Cornflakes
. I also have another hold for "the Shadow Children" series. Ada's House book should be available within the next 2 weeks and the Shadow Children book within the month.
Watched on the computer this past week:
I haven't watched anything lately. I know that's strange, but I just haven't been in the mood or not had the time.
Not sure. There are several things I would like to do, it's if I have time or whatever strikes my fancy.
Visiting with friends: Not much visiting lately.
I'm linking up with Sandra over at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom
I think I want to move to a new house, but then I don't. I guess I just need to figure out how much it really would cost ti fix up our house. We live in a decent neighborhood. We own the house, and it's super efficient, but it's dinky (700sqft). Even I feel a little crowded sometimes. I do like being able to know what is going on in every room though. I like being able to see the entire house when I walk in the front door. And I think I want to live in an RV or a camper van full time??????? Maybe my house just needs a little personalization. Other than the kitchen it's basically the same house my MIL lived in. The walls (except 3 in the kitchen) were painted white (they were more of a yellowish white before) by the friend we had living there for a couple of years.
The biggest and first fix-up we need to do is the roof, then redo the bathroom where the leak has ruined it. In the process of redoing the bathroom I want a REAL shower (maybe a tub/shower combo) put in instead of that stupid phone booth sized shower we have now. Enough on the house for now. How about some Happy Homemaker Monday. I missed last week, but hey, it was a holiday.
Breakfast this morning: Just a cup of coffee with suisse mocha creamer. Lunch will be when hubby takes a break from the job he is out on. Probably McDonalds or Braums burgers & fries.
The weather outside today: It's currently 75*. It has cooled down and the evenings has been in the upper 50's. I think Fall is just around the corner. The forecast this week screams NO AC NEEDED!
Looking outside right now: The sun is shining and I see clouds. I think clouds should be required in the sky all the time. They are so mysterious! I love looking at them and trying to see shapes in them.
So far today I have: Gotten up, come to the shop with hubby, made coffee, assisted a customer, paid bills, ordered ice cream, posted to the business pages on Facebook, put out and priced some new keys, answered the phone and took a message, and now I'm writing this post.
Looking around the house: I got on the ball last night and got the kitchen cleaned up. There are NO dirty dishes. Ok, yes there is, I didn't have room in the drainer for the cups, so there is a small stack of cups to be washed. This cooler weather has gotten me thinking about baking and homemade chicken noodle dinners. Have to have a clean kitchen to do that!
On this week's To DO list: Tonight I need to stop by the store to pick up a few things. I also need to vacuum the floors and clean the bathroom this week. The towels need folded and put away, as does the clothes I washed and dried last night.
I'm thankful for: the cooler weather. yes, I know that sounds strange coming from me since I love hot weather. ;-)
Praying for:
- my niece
- to get things paid off
- to get the roof fixed
Thinking and pondering: Not much, I pretty well summed it up in the bit before I started my HHM post.
From the camera: I still have no way to take pictures, but I did find this video on YouTube that goes right along with yesterday's sermon. We were challenged to not grumble or complain, and to do everything as if we were doing it for Christ this week.
Watched on the computer this past week:
I haven't watched anything lately. I know that's strange, but I just haven't been in the mood or not had the time.
I highly recommend AdBlock via Chrome Extension if you are going to watch online episodes. AdBlock seems to do the trick and prevents most if not all pop-ups. You can enable it and disable it as needed.If I have a few minutes to myself this week I will:
Not sure. There are several things I would like to do, it's if I have time or whatever strikes my fancy.
Visiting with friends: Not much visiting lately.
I'm linking up with Sandra over at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom
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