Monday, August 10, 2015

HHM 8/10/2015

The weather in my neck of the woods:
Wondering if we are getting our Fall already.  Even next week's forecast looks similar. Cooler days and much cooler nights this week.

Things that make me happy:
My Fuzzy kitty.  She comes running when my alarm goes off, for some morning loving. At night, if I'm sitting down doing something she has been laying at my feet.

Menu for this week:
Most all my menu items are make ahead crockpot dishes

Not sure what order we will have them, or if I will add something to the menu

In the Freezer
Crockpot Beef and Gravy
Honey Garlic Chicken
Sriracha Honey Chicken Legs

Slow Cooker Cube Steak
Simple Pork Chop Dinner
Chicken Fried Steaks

To Make Up this Week
Some of these are prep on the morning er eat them.  Pretty simple to do in a few minutes.

What's on my TV today:
probably nothing much.  I'm anxiously awaiting Monday the 24th, Switched at Birth is back for another season.

Looking around the house:
Living room: little vacuuming and straitening, but not bad
Kitchen: few dishes soaking in and on the sink waiting for me to wash them tonight
Bathroom: needs cleaned
Bedroom: not too bad

On my To Do List:

  • Print out any new recipes I've chosen to make
  • make ahead some meals on this weeks list
  • work on my crochet projects

New Recipe I tried or want to try soon:
The crockpot Beef and Gravy was AMAZING!  In fact I actually have 2 more in the freezer, only 1 is under a different name.  The Cincinnati Chili was a bit much when it was fresh made, but the leftovers were pretty good (and I'm not a leftover person)

In the craft basket:
I'm still working on the afghan for my sister. I'm getting close to having it finished.   I volunteered to make a rich textures tote for a fellow yarn club member.  It's almost done as well. I got the rest of the yarn from her Saturday night.  I got my new tunisian crochet hooks so I've been crocheting with them.  Here's what I made Saturday night.  It looks knit, but it's really crocheted, honest.  It's the tunisian knit stitch.  It's big enough to fit my android phone.

Looking forward to this week:
getting a lot accomplished and both businesses doing well.

Tips and Tricks:
keep powder milk around.  I use it instead of milk most of the time in cooking.  1/3 cup powder to 1 cup water makes 1 cup or 8 ounces of milk.

Currently Reading

I haven't been reading a book this week I've been doing my best to listen to the Bible.  I finished up the book of John, finally, and am working on Psalms.

No words needed (favorite photo or picture):
Our latest project at the castle....part of the "garden" and it's also helping to block that hot, hot, afternoon summer sun.
The road signs are vinatage and many are hand painted.  They came from what used to be the local army ammunition plant

Lesson learned the past few days:
One of the Friday night "young adults" said something that just made complete sense.  I can't remember exactly how she said it, so this is my interpretation.  "It doesn't matter if you're fat or skinny, tall, or short.  It's all a matter of your own self confidence in yourself.

On my mind:
I was given some fresh homegrown veggies over the weekend.....I think I'll dehydrate them.  

Linking up with Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom for Happy Homemaker Monday
Organized Junkie for Menu Plan Monday


  1. Great menu plan! I've definitely got to start on getting some freezer meals in the freezer. Love your crochet bag. Have a wonderful week!

    Renee My HHM post

  2. Oh, my goodness, your street signs are darling. And how do you prepare your potatoes and kielbasa? I've seen it done lots of ways, but I'm curious to see yours! have a great week!

  3. Love those street signs! And what that young lady said is spot on.

  4. Those street signs look really neat! I'm not really ready for fall although I know summer is winding down. Hope you have a wonderful week!


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