
Friday, November 22, 2019

I Have Forgotten........

I had forgotten just how much I enjoyed BLOGGING!  I have been VLOGGING on YouTube for a couple years.  Putting out at least one video a week some months a daily video.  Due to YouTubes upcoming changes for 2020 I have decided to come back to BLOGGING.

I have been scrolling through old posts and thinking "WOW! I haven't made that in years!" or "I don't remember that....." and "awwwww" moments.

Some posts are missing pictures and there are some posts that the links that are no longer valid but that happens over the years.  Most if not all posts before November 2019 have comments disabled.  Almost all links to other websites should open in a new window, that way you don't get "lost" on that "new page" and have trouble finding your way back here.

I have had fun updating the information in the sidebar......and discovering blogs that I used to read but had pretty much forgotten about because I was spending so much time on YouTube.

It's good to be "home"!  I hope you will grab a good book, or a yarny project and join me!  You can find an e-mail subscription box over in the right column which *should* send you an e-mail once a day with any posts I have posted.  (I think that's how it works anyway)  There are also several ways you can help support my page.  No pop-up ads from me, I promise.  I don't like webpage pop-ups! However there are some affiliate links in the column on the right as well.  BE watching for occasional special deals from my affiliates, as well as affiliate links in my posts for items I am using or recommend.

No additional ads to watch before/during/or after reading my post.....(well except maybe if I do a twitch stream or a youtube video but that's on their end not mine)....but expect pictures and......well just look around at the archives and you can get an idea of what kind of things you might see here.

Thanks for stopping by!  Leave me a comment!  I love reading them!

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