Our phone/internet has been down since about noon. It happened right in the middle of taking a customers order. Good thing we have a BackUp plan A and BackUp plan B. Business will continue semi-normally, just no call in orders until service is restored.
Anyway on to happier thoughts.
Last night i baked some toffee bites cookies. They are almost gone, so today i will be baking some double chocolate chip cookies. Gotta keep my customers happy. Plus the oven will help heat it up for a little bit.
Last night i also made a big pot of homemade potato soup. It definitely is cold enough for soup, but potato is not what the customers are wanting. They keep asking for my homemade chicken noodle. Honestly i have not had time to make it lately. When i do though, i better make a double batch.
Last night for supper i had a polish sausage with sauerkraut. Holy smokes was it delicious! It is currently a limited time menu item and i used this picture to post to the business social media sites to advertise it. (same with the soup and cookies photos)
This morning i fixed waffles for brunch. Mmmm they were good. I prefer waffles over pancakes and french toast 99% of the time.
Enough food til i make cookies later, which i plan to start on as soon as i am finished with this post draft. No worries i will share a picture of them. 😃
Now it is FIBER NEWS🧶
I also started a loom knit scarf. This yarn is perfect! 🧶
Ok off to make those double chocolate chip cookies …….
3:30pm Cookies are baked and ready to sell. Good thing they are to sell because i could eat the whole dozen myself.
I only baked a dozen but i have enough cookie dough for 1 maybe 2 dozen or so more. I will make them up as these sell
About 4:30
Hubby and i decided to cover up the window AC unit. Dunno why we waited so long. Probably because this is the coldest its been so far this winter. It did help a lot.
After that i got some toys ready to restock one of the redemption games at our restaurant
Around 8:00pm I made an apple crisp for hubby and me to share. It is not very big, i just used 1 apple. We will make it last for 2 meals.
Thanks for hanging out with me today. I hope you enjoyed reading some things i did. Until next time…….
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❤️🧶 Anna
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