You know, even though I'm not a SAHM I'm still a homemaker. I have a family to take care of and a home that should be kept it neat and clean. I do also have the responsibility of 2 businesses to keep neat and clean, and a multitude of customers to care for as well. Wow! So....I've decided Happy Homemaker Monday,is all about my home AND my businesses. They are where I spend my time, with my family none the less, 24 hours a day.
It's been a while since I've posted a HHM. I have a few extra minutes right now, so why not?
The weather..... I DO NOT LIKE IT! There is a thin layer of ice still in some places from the other day. Tonight and tomorrow we have a winter storm warning for 4"-6" of snow, with blowing and drifting. *sigh* And 6 more weeks of this winter stuff? Thanks Phil.......
Right now I am.... I'm sitting here, cold, chewing gum and drinking some pepsi.
On my Kindle.... I just finished reading, late last night, Boys For Sale (Book 1): A Novel about Human Trafficking
. I knew what the book was about, it was good, I couldn't put it down, but it disgusted me. It's the story of Tavi (and a few other boys) who's parents were poor. The boys were sold into human trafficking, by a deceiving person, who promised them money and that the boys would receive a good education and job training. The book is written from Tavi's point of view as he endures unpleasant things. It does have a happy ending though, and a few twists and turns. Most human trafficking I have heard about are girls, sadly enough it's both boys and girls. With that said, I've got the kindle on the charger and will be looking for a book to read soon.
On the Radio.... Absolutely nothing. It's quiet in here except for the heater running.
On the Radio.... Absolutely nothing. It's quiet in here except for the heater running.
TV on my Computer..... ABC's Switched at Birth tomorrow on my computer, no time to watch it tonight. I have also been watching Call the Midwife.
What I found while surfing the net.... I have been looking for and pinning small space storage ideas on Pinterest.
On my to do list this week.... [at the lock/incense shop this week:]
- sweep
- dust
- clean the glass cases
- add products to Mythril Security
- Take pictures for things to sell on E-Bay
[ for Cosmic Castle this week:]
- We are closed on Monday's, and open regular hours the rest of the week
- Tonight (Monday) we will make the Chicken N Noodles (from scratch to serve Tuesday evening) and homemade cookies
- Wednesday Morning I count inventory
- Thursday is truck day
[at home this week:]
- work on laundry
- try to do a little each night to keep place clean
- keep dishes washed
In the craft basket.... nothing
Looking forward to this week.... well.....maybe be getting a different house. Our old house we are just going to sell. If this other house falls though I guess we will be buying a house instead. Sure not looking forward to the snow!
On my prayer list.....
- My grandpa (he's 94 years old)
- My sister
- Business decisions
- Tuesday night to be successful despite the snow we're supposed to be getting
- we are able to move soon
- SUMMERTIME to get here
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