Actually writing this on Tuesday morning and pretending I'm writing it on Monday, so it's a mix of Monday and Tuesday stuff. I feel like I'm in a rut....I do the same things all the time. Sleep and work, sleep and work, and eat every now and then too, usually the same things over and over. I'm glad for books and videos so I can escape every now and then.
10:09 am
10:09 am
The weather..... We missed all the bad weather over the weekend, it all went north or south of us. We did get a real heavy rain during church, then just wind. It was pretty windy Monday as well. Today (Tuesday) it's cold again, only supposed to get in the low to mid 50's, with more weather coming later in the week.
Right now I am....I'm at work (where I always am this time of day). Monday was a run, run, run day. Today has been a little slower for me so far.
On my Kindle....
I've finished reading Twelve Years a Slave, and I borrowed the movie from the library and watched it. The book is WAY better!
Right now I am reading
The History of the Donner Party A Tragedy of the Sierras
I've read other books about the Donner Party.....thought this part of US history was interesting, but this book has more detail than I've read about before. So far in this book, it sounds like this westward bound party was doomed from the start. That's my opinion anyway. I might change my mind later on, but I doubt it. They didn't stay together, they were a large party and scattered.
On the menu this week...... Monday night we had hamburgers and chips. Tuesday last night for homemade chicken noodle dinner (we're going to miss that, I just know it), the rest of the week.....there are still hamburgers and a couple frozen pizzas still to fix, maybe some egg sandwiches. Who knows, depends on what we want to eat and what I feel like fixing.
On the Radio.... Scanner Radio.....listening to the local police scanner via my computer today (Tuesday). There is a lot of talk for the tornado clean up in the Baxter Springs area. Lots of volunteers.
I've finished reading Twelve Years a Slave, and I borrowed the movie from the library and watched it. The book is WAY better!
I've read other books about the Donner Party.....thought this part of US history was interesting, but this book has more detail than I've read about before. So far in this book, it sounds like this westward bound party was doomed from the start. That's my opinion anyway. I might change my mind later on, but I doubt it. They didn't stay together, they were a large party and scattered.
On the menu this week...... Monday night we had hamburgers and chips. Tuesday last night for homemade chicken noodle dinner (we're going to miss that, I just know it), the rest of the week.....there are still hamburgers and a couple frozen pizzas still to fix, maybe some egg sandwiches. Who knows, depends on what we want to eat and what I feel like fixing.
On the Radio.... Scanner Radio.....listening to the local police scanner via my computer today (Tuesday). There is a lot of talk for the tornado clean up in the Baxter Springs area. Lots of volunteers.
TV on my Computer..... Like I mentioned earlier I did borrow, from the library, and watch Twelve Years a Slave I also have watched on YouTube: (opens in new window) Abducted The Carlina White Story , A Girl Like Me: The Gwen Araujo Story , Daughter of the Streets . I also just discovered the Android CRACKLE app (which has movies and shows to watch for free, and you can watch online as well) and have started watching Paul Blart: Mall Cop
What I found while surfing the net.... haven't done a lot of surfing lately. I have been working on the Cosmic Castle web page though. Facebook isn't letting our posts be seen by very many, they want us to pay to get people to see them. I am looking into alternate ways to connect with our customers and fans.
On my to do list this week....
Make chicken noodles Monday night
Work on more bags/boxes to unpack
General cleaning
Laundry 2 loads tonight (Monday) (well actually 3 because I put stain remover on all of hubbys work shirts and washed them separately) Hubby's and my laundry, Towels from the castle, and bath towels will be done later this week.
Make chicken noodles Monday night
Work on more bags/boxes to unpack
General cleaning
Laundry 2 loads tonight (Monday) (well actually 3 because I put stain remover on all of hubbys work shirts and washed them separately) Hubby's and my laundry, Towels from the castle, and bath towels will be done later this week.
Looking forward to this week.... not real sure......
As I look outside the window..... windy....boy was it windy Monday. Today, Tuesday, its on the cooler side and looks like it may want to rain again, although we aren't supposed to get rain today.
As I look outside the window..... windy....boy was it windy Monday. Today, Tuesday, its on the cooler side and looks like it may want to rain again, although we aren't supposed to get rain today.
Looking around the house.... The kitchen was NOT clean. I had to wash dishes before I could start supper Monday night. This morning there are just a few dishes sitting in the sink. Now if I actually wash them tonight, maybe there won't be any tomorrow morning. LOL!
From the camera....... A little vlog snippet. If you HATE spiders don't watch this. I seen this really cool spider while I was sitting on the porch Saturday night. It looked like a big shiny black pearl. Very elegant. I took a video of it and went in to show it to hubby. If I knew what kind of spider it really was I would have killed it after I was done filming. I've never seen a black widow spider in person......until now. They aren't real common around here, or at least they weren't. After we decided what it better believe I went out and looked and looked and looked for it. I got the rake and flung the leaves in the area I seen it out towards the street then scattered them even more. I sprayed the whole area with bug spray, and even sprayed around the front door and the 3 windows at the front of the house.
On my prayer list.....
From the camera....... A little vlog snippet. If you HATE spiders don't watch this. I seen this really cool spider while I was sitting on the porch Saturday night. It looked like a big shiny black pearl. Very elegant. I took a video of it and went in to show it to hubby. If I knew what kind of spider it really was I would have killed it after I was done filming. I've never seen a black widow spider in person......until now. They aren't real common around here, or at least they weren't. After we decided what it better believe I went out and looked and looked and looked for it. I got the rake and flung the leaves in the area I seen it out towards the street then scattered them even more. I sprayed the whole area with bug spray, and even sprayed around the front door and the 3 windows at the front of the house.
On my prayer list.....
- My grandpa (he's almost 95 years old)
- My sister
- My Uncle T
- Business decisions
- Our last Tuesday night to be successful
- SUMMERTIME to get here
- The spider hasn't laid her eggs yet.
- Those affected by the tornados
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