*clicking on the image will take you to Amazon via my affiliate account.
"Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing." 1 Thessalonians 5:11
Saturday, May 31, 2014
The Miting -- Book Review
*clicking on the image will take you to Amazon via my affiliate account.
Friday, May 23, 2014
Reecie's Morning Catnip
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
Birds and Blooms in my Yard
Tuesday, May 20, 2014
Mission Accomplished! Livingroom Presentable
I did get those litter boxes clean that I mentioned yesterday in my HHM post. I tend to take them outside to clean later and just swap out with a clean one and put litter in. They were bad, I mean BAD, REALLY BAD, REALLY REALLY BAD! They had been on the porch and it had rained......Um yah. Remember that hole in the back yard from the groundhog? Well lets just say next time he comes out of that hole, if it's an exit, or he goes in if it's an entrance, he's literally going to say "What the crap! Yes, we did! It's at the back of the yard and scoopable litter becomes concrete like after a while. We will show him!
I also washed and dried 3 loads of laundry and finally folded the remaining 2 towels and several washcloths from the towels I washed and hung out to dry 2 weeks ago. They have been piled on the table since I brought them in.
Monday, May 19, 2014
Happy Homemaker Monday ~~ 5/19/2014
Sorry about not posting at all last week after HHM. It was a crazy busy week, or so it seemed. I'm sure it wasn't as crazy as I made it out to be. I have a habit of just being plain lazy too, but isn't that acceptable when you work 7 days a week, 9-14 hours a day?
I never said what book I was reading last week....I got distracted obviously. I was reading last week, and finished All Different Kinds Of Free
On the menu this week...... Never know until I get asked to cook something. LOL! I do know I need to restock on the quick to fix things like cereal and milk, bread (for egg sandwiches), etc.
On the Radio.... listening to the local scanner because I heard sirens a while back and never did hear where they went LOL!
Must clean cat boxes tonight.
As I look outside the window..... the sun is shining, the wind is blowing, there are cars parked out front [of the shop] but no one in here right now, there is traffic on Main Street, I hear a lawnmower.
From the camera.......
On my prayer list.....
- My grandpa (he's almost 95 years old)
- My sister
- My Uncle T
- Business decisions
- My Reecie Kitty
Monday, May 12, 2014
Happy Homemaker Monday ~~ 5/12/14
Amazon finally got their act together and the Android app seems to be fixed now after about months. I have actually been reading this on my kindle, but have it on my little [phone] tablet as well via the app. This is similar to Twelve Years a Slave
On the menu this week...... Not a clue. Still the same things in the freezer as last week.
On the Radio.... listening to People of Earth
Work on more bags/boxes to unpack (this never seems to get done)
General cleaning
clean kitchen
As I look outside the window.....it's gray, cloudy, raining and Main Street is DEAD!
From the camera.......
On my prayer list.....
- My grandpa (he's almost 95 years old)
- My sister
- My Uncle T is back in the hospital
- Business decisions
- My Reecie Kitty
Sunday, May 11, 2014
Saturday, May 10, 2014
Friday, May 09, 2014
The night started out good. No storms really in the forecast, it had all either gone around or fizzled out. Went to bed.....went to sleep.....about 4:30am it started to rain. No storming, just rain with some lightening and thunder. Had to close windows, which wasn't a problem the house had cooled way down. About 5:00am the rain had stopped and all was calm. About that same time the weather alert went off. We were issued a significant weather advisory for the next 15 minutes. For what??????? The rain, lightening, and thunder had stopped. Fast forward about 30 minutes......we must have a mouse in our bedroom wall. *sigh* The cats were right there watching and waiting for it to gnaw its way through. I spent about 15 minutes trying to get it to leave. Finally about 6:00am its quiet, and I try to go back to sleep..... but the sun is trying to come up. No worries I did manage to get a few more minutes of sleep.
I'm just going to say today was not a good day. This is one of those days I just want to walk away and give up. Life isn't fair anymore. It seems that those who try hard to actually make something of themselves are the ones treated like crap.
Thursday, May 08, 2014
Another Short Night and Long Day
It was a short night last night. About 3:00am my weather alert went off. The wind was blowing really hard. We were issued a wind advisory warning. Then my Facebook messenger badinged. A good friend had been woke up by the wind as well and was concerned. We chatted a bit and the wind died down leaving us with a nice cool breeze. I did notice a few branches and limbs down when I got up. I also found a robin egg laying in the back yard. I bet it got blown out of the nest. It was broke.....just a small crack where it hit the hard dirt. The national weather service says strong severe storms this afternoon and evening.
Wednesday, May 07, 2014
When the Help Calls in Sick
Sure does make things a lot more challenging when you are a mulit-mom & pop business and your help calls in sick. It just kind of turns the day upside down. Today was one of those days for us.
I had planned on going to the farm store and getting a couple more fans for the house. We wait as long as possible to turn the air on. Of course I didn't get to go get fans.
By 5:00 I was dragging. I'm not used to being on my feet 6+ hours a day. Usually its mostly sitting and on my feet 4-5 hours.
By 9:00 I was ready to go home. We were home by 9:30, which is the time we usually leave.
When we got home I started a load of laundry, folded clothes, put the winter things away, and found hubby's shorts. I have a couple denim skirts right now until I dig for more (I don't wear shorts). I also opened a couple windows and put the only fan we have where it would pull air through.
I put the clothes in the dryer. I would have hung them out but by 7am, if not before, we are supposed to get rain. We really don't have room for the drying rack I have to be set up *sigh*
Oh and I got hubby a bowl of cereal (I believe that's my reflection on the left LOL!) and a peanut butter & honey sandwich for myself.
Tuesday, May 06, 2014
So last night I got some new shoes. Aren't they cool? I hope they last me all summer and beyond.
They just don't make shoes like they used to. You used to be able to buy a good pair of tennis shoes, at a reasonable price, and you would out grow them, or get tired of them and they never wore out. Now you pay big bucks for cheap junky plastic soled tennis shoes.
We first went to shoe carnival. They always have had a good selection with reasonable prices. Not this time. Hubby also needed shoes but he couldn't find any less than $60 that didn't have that cheap plastic sole. Not good at all when you do a lot of walking. The women's shoes there, similar style to what I got...... $40. I can't afford that.
We ended up going to Payless. Got 2 pair of shoes....with RUBBER SOLES for less than 1 cheaply made pair from the other place. Payless had less of a selection but we both like our new shoes.
Hubby had totally worn his out, and mind were thrift store shoes that kind of fit but not really.
Monday, May 05, 2014
Happy Homemaker Monday ~~ 5/5/2014
If you want to REALLY see what my days can be like....read Saturday's post "A peek into my day". I planned on writing that Friday night....and, well.....yah.....
Will be looking for another one when I'm finished. Any suggestions? I have a lot on my Kindle Fire I haven't read, and I also have access to the e-books from Freading via the Kansas Library System.
On the menu this week...... Tonight we are going out of town, don't have chicken & noodles to make until fall. Not sure the rest of the week. There are frozen hamburgers and frozen pizzas in the fridge. Chips and homemade salsa too.
On the Radio.... some random channel on spotify
Work on more bags/boxes to unpack (this never seems to get done)
General cleaning
clean kitchen
As I look outside the window..... busy. the parking spots in front of our shop are all full. there is steady traffic on main street.
From the camera.......
On my prayer list.....
- My grandpa (he's almost 95 years old)
- My sister
- My Uncle T is back in the hospital
- Business decisions
- My Reecie Kitty
Sunday, May 04, 2014
How I Have Missed Thee
Sitting here at work with everything done I can do for now. We close in about an hour. I'm looking forward to going home and relaxing. I really should clean the kitchen and vacuum the floor though. I probably will, it's not like its going to be a late night. Now on to more exciting things.......
Oh my dear clothesline how I have missed thee! Those towels I put in the washer before bed last night.....I hung them outside on the clothesline before going to church today. I have so missed doing this! I can't wait to take them down tonight and smell them.
Saturday, May 03, 2014
A Peek into My Day -- My Eyes Are Sticky!
Want to Check with me? Here's the video I took when I entered the building. I could see much better than the camera could. LOL!
About 8:50 I finally got to the shop to get ready to open (at 9:00).
From 9:00am to about 10:30am I was at the shop. First thing I did, after opening, was get a pot of coffee going. I'm trying to like coffee. Not doing too bad actually. LOL! We got a package ready to ship out to a customer, I copied some keys, edited the Cosmic Castle web page, promoted our businesses on Facebook and Twitter, started this blog so I didn't forget anything.